Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021

An efficient and responsible Group Promoting a healthy, open and engaging work environment

Talent attraction and retention 4.3.6 The “Talent” element of the OPEN program is aimed at all employees to anticipate the Group’s needs and support its strategy. It is the subject of a specific annual progress update meeting with the members of the Executive Committee. The “SG Talents” program identifies managers with significant development potential or key skills. Defined at all levels and in all Group businesses, it enables career plans to be drawn up, encouraging diversified paths. Personal reviews and succession plans, mentoring and relations with the Group’s target schools and universities all feed into and reinforce this measure. A specific program has also been designed to support and develop experts within the Group. As part of the drive to digitize human resources processes, a project using machine learning applied to the “SG Talents” program has been developed. In the first phase, the use of Big Data made it possible to verify that the selection of talents was adapted to the defined criteria and that the paths of the identified talents benefited from additional resources (part of mobility, training, etc.). The second phase is more focused on complementary elements to the program: the search for talent not identified by the traditional process, improving retention or a focus on soft skills research. Career paths offered to its employees are an asset that Saint-Gobain continues to advertise to students and young graduates to attract the most appropriate talent, particularly through its employer communication slogan “Invent Yourself. Reshape the world”. Specific programs for young talent coordinated at the local level are being developed in Germany, Brazil, the United States, India, China and the Nordic countries. The implementation of the Transform & Grow program required a large review of management positions at central and local level. The principles applied in the “Talents” component of the OPEN program identified managers with the most suitable profiles and organized their mobility in a way that has proven to be particularly active. 2021 saw the consolidation of the country/cluster organizations and there was a return to the manager mobility levels of previous years (despite the constraints related to Covid-19 and subsequent variants). The definition of "Grow & Impact", the Group’s new Strategic Plan (2021-2025), has identified as one of its six priorities, “to have the best teams in a diverse and inclusive work environment”. The definition of the Group’s purpose, like the definition of its “zero carbon” roadmap, is a force of attraction for young talents, who are particularly demanding with regard to the sustainable dimension of Saint-Gobain's activities. They both constitute one of the foundations of the Group’s employer promise.

Employee development 4.3.7 Saint-Gobain’s ambition is to grow the skills and know-how of its employees while still ensuring excellence in each of its businesses, but also to be an employer of reference, recognized for the richness of the career paths offered. It involves taking into account individual wishes and the requirements of the organization, offering adapted developing paths, whether individual or collective, or specific to one business line or cross-functional. Listening to employees individually More individually, Saint-Gobain has introduced an annual interview procedure which makes it possible to ensure the regularity and quality of dialogue with employees. Individual interviews are held at least once a year for management and are gradually being expanded to all employees. Multiple initiatives (trainings, "Evolve" platform, etc.) have been developed to increase feedback in the managerial or project management framework. Finally, the Group has developed, with the help of partners, a 360-degree assessment tool. This tool is available on request for any manager and is compulsory before taking part in any training in the Management School. Mobility Every Saint-Gobain employee, no matter what their position in the company, should benefit from career enrichment. Their career path must be a positive marker, so they can feel they are ambassadors for the Group. Promoting and enriching employees’ professional mobility, whether geographic, functional or between Saint-Gobain activities, is a priority for accelerating the Group’s growth: it is an essential way of attracting diversity, innovating, ■ developing the individual and collective skills needed for the organizational and technological requirements of the Group’s activities; this also enables the sharing of market and customer ■ knowledge, the comparison of different experiences, the development of an open mindset and the enrichment of employees’ careers; mobility should reconcile employees’ professional ■ development with the business’s needs. Offering more career development opportunities builds employee loyalty and intensifies synergies, generating new solutions for customers. The system deployed by Saint-Gobain to support mobility is based on broad communication of the policy and related actions, including a guide to support HR teams. All employees are invited to consult the job offers that are made and to apply for them. The new online platform "Moove!" (replacing OpenJob) was developed and deployed in countries to meet this need. This platform is accessible on mobile devices for all employees.



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