Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021

An efficient and responsible Group Promoting a healthy, open and engaging work environment

Generally, greater diversity requires a more inclusive recruitment process. To encourage these practices, the “ Recruter sans discriminer ” (Recruit without discrimination) e-learning module has been circulated to human resources teams on a mandatory basis and distributed to Saint-Gobain managers in France since 2018. This training informs about the legal framework and good practices to be applied during the recruitment process. Disability The recruitment and retention of people with disabilities are important subjects for Saint-Gobain. First of all, disability awareness and training initiatives are in place in the various countries. Several subsidiaries offer workshops in partnership with specialized bodies. The Group also implements recruitment policies in partnership with various specialist agencies, applying a strict non-discrimination policy. For example, in France, several entities are in contact with ESATs (bodies promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in society and the workplace) to support them in their efforts. One of Saint-Gobain’s objectives is to make everyday life easier for employees with disabilities by adapting workstations and hours. In the United Kingdom, Ireland and North America, personal support is in place to adapt working environments to individual needs. Gender equality The increase in the gender diversity of teams is based on a voluntarist recruitment policy and on action plans for occupational promotion, equal pay, training and work/life balance. Objectives related to gender diversity have been set: 30% of women managers in 2025 (target of 25% reached in 2020) and 25% of women senior managers in 2025. They are monitored each quarter by the Executive Committee. They have been developed by country and Business Units and are integrated into the performance criteria that determine the annual variable compensation of senior managers. At Group level, each monthly meeting of the Human Resources Committee has a Section dedicated to women with the aim of boosting career opportunities. These objectives were strengthened in 2020 to promote the access of women to the management bodies of Saint-Gobain: 30% of women in the Group Executive Committee in ■ 2025; an average of 30% of women in the Executive ■ Committees of Business Units in 2025. In terms of training, an e-learning document on awareness of gender diversity issues, entitled Gender Balance Awareness, has been drawn up in several languages and circulated to the human resources and management teams. This program was updated at the end of 2020 under a new e-learning format called Unconscious Bias. In 2020, Saint-Gobain launched a program to use Big Data to identify differences in the situation between men and women in the Group’s organizational structure. In addition to the quantitative indicators available in non-financial reporting, the aim is to identify underlying stereotypes that hinder the integration of women into management bodies or create systematic gaps in the situation. In

accordance with the human resources policy (see this chapter, section 4.1), each country has implemented an action plan. Finally, in 2020, the parenting component of the social protection program mentioned earlier, Care by Saint-Gobain, (see this chapter, section 4.3.2) was rolled out in all countries where the Group operates, with a guarantee of at least 14 weeks of maternity leave at full pay. A systematic evaluation of the pay gap between men and women in equal positions is carried out. The ratios on the average pay gap of Group employees are measured and published in the chapter 4, section 2.2. In 2021, the proportion of women managers went from 25.3% to 26.3%. The Executive Committee consists of 37.5% women members (6 women out of 16 in 2021, compared to 4 out of 16 in 2020 and 4 out of 17 in 2019). In 2021, Saint-Gobain was included in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index for the fourth consecutive year, a recognized index in the area of diversity and inclusion. Saint-Gobain is a signatory to the Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) since 2021, confirming its commitment to gender equality. Defined by the United Nations Global Compact, the WEPs are a set of principles that aim to help companies to promote gender equality and women's empowerment in the workplace. Training 4.3.5 Training provided by Saint-Gobain must guarantee the employability and success of all employees throughout their working lives. The objective is to facilitate the access to training through processes and offers that correspond to their needs and expectations. Training is part of the Group’s major transformations as it provides support for employees and availability for the skills necessary for the success of operational teams. The training policy is structured as follows: to support cultural transformation and leadership based ■ on trust, accountability and collaboration, in order to acquire greater operational agility and to promote new ways of working, offering greater efficiency and flexibility. This includes managerial training and talent development; accelerate the digital transformation in operations, ■ business models and skills; foster growth and focus on customers: sales and ■ marketing performance, product innovation, services and business models; ensure efficiency and operational excellence: industrial ■ performance, purchasing and supply chain, EHS and R&D; deploy mandatory training (compliance, ethics, ■ cybersecurity, etc.) and programs dedicated to Saint-Gobain’s major professional sectors (finance, HR, purchasing, marketing, etc.). In 2021, all global training and development programs were carried out digitally in order to comply with the health rules related to the pandemic and to protect the employees.



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