Saint-Gobain // Universal Registration Document 2021

An efficient and responsible Group Achieve excellence in operations

Customer satisfaction 3.4.3 Knowledge of current and future market expectations is essential in order to achieve Saint-Gobain’s medium- and long-term targets. For this reason, the satisfaction of its customers is a priority for the Group, whose objective is to be an organization focused on their expectations. To measure customer satisfaction, several practices have been extended to all Group activities: firstly, a short questionnaire is sent to all clients and ■ potential clients, both direct and indirect, at the time of each interaction, in order to identify the main points of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and to determine the net promoter score, the only measure common to all; this refined measure will eventually make all clients the Group's primary influencers; secondly, a more rigorous and responsive measurement ■ of compliance and punctuality (see this chapter, section 3.3.1), since these two parameters are the two most frequent sources of dissatisfaction in all the questionnaires: first and foremost, customers demand that their suppliers' promises be kept. Thus, customer satisfaction measurements are carried out on a regular basis for all activities. In the field, brands are increasingly collecting feedback from customers (defined as any person having an influence on the purchasing decision) on a relationship and transactional level, with the dissemination, internally and across functions, of best practice in the area. This data is cross-referenced with the context of the relationship, as well as with the type of customers, in order to assess the degree of satisfaction throughout their journey, i.e . across the entire chain of interactions between them and the Group’s brands. In this context, the satisfaction questionnaires already implemented have shown that compliance and punctuality (see this chapter, section 3.3.1) are the most frequently cited negative points. One of the Group's areas of excellence and progress is training, in order to build a growing community of customer experience experts. Each year, over 200 people are trained in customer experience methods and concepts through the UniCampus program. In addition, a platform called "Pulse" has been created to centralize and make available to Saint-Gobain countries and entities methodologies and tools for managing the customer experience, such as "personas", i.e. the definition of groups of customers whose behaviors and preferences are merged into a single predictive model. In addition to the measurement of satisfaction itself, all of these systems create the basis for a co-development approach; on the basis of customer opinions, a shared innovation process can be put in place.

A network of local facilitators has been set up to support the teams in the countries or activities during deployment and to ensure the sharing of best practices, thus promoting the continuous improvement of procedures. The progress of the program's implementation is monitored by a committee created for this purpose and bringing together members of the Executive Committee (see chapter 1, section 5.2.2). Product transparency 3.4.2 Saint-Gobain has been involved for many years in the promotion of Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) to better understand and control the environmental impacts of its products. These analyzes are useful for guiding innovation, better informing customers and responding to a growing market demand for greater transparency. Saint-Gobain is committed to ensuring that, by 2030, 100% of the Group’s revenue generated with products covered by verified LCAs (Life Cycle Analyses), or EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations), excluding distribution activity. By the end of 2021, 29.1% of revenues came from products covered by verified LCAs, or EPDs, excluding distribution activity. In 2021, Saint-Gobain’s industrial activities continued to carry out life cycle analyses and publish EPDs verified by third parties. With nearly 1,500 verified EPDs published in over 33 countries, the Group is the world’s leading supplier of verified EPDs – by volume – in the construction sector. Through the development of version 4 of the LEED label for buildings and new voluntary product certifications such as C2C or Declare, the demand for transparency about the substances contained in construction products is growing strongly. This trend also corresponds to an essential need for the development of the circular economy. Saint-Gobain is keen to provide responses that are both appropriate and rigorous, and also consistent with existing regulations. Depending on the geographical area, the Group meets the expectations of its customers through various means such as content declarations (which list the substances present in a product), declarations according to the North American voluntary standard HPD (Health Product Declaration) or the “Declare” label. In 2021, around twenty new content declaration type documents, HPDs or Declare labels were published for plasterboard, insulation and glass products. In addition, Saint-Gobain is involved in the development and improvement of standards in terms of transparency and circularity. For example, Saint-Gobain made a major contribution to the new version of the C2C standard (version 4) and to the development of the PCDS (Product Circularity Data Sheet) initiative led by Luxembourg. Lastly, Saint-Gobain continued its efforts to develop a European version of the HPD standard mentioned above, consistent with the existing regulatory framework (REACH and CLP).



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