CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Sopra Steria: committed to a sustainable world
1.4. Group governance Sopra Steria Group is a société anonyme with a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors currently consists of 19 directors, two of whom represent the Group’s employees. Excluding the employee representatives, seven of the Board’s members – i.e. over 40% of its membership – are women. Where appropriate, the Board’s work is prepared by an Audit Committee, a Nomination, Ethics and Governance Committee and a Compensation Committee. Corporate responsibility policy and actions are monitored by the Nomination, Ethics and Governance Committee, which informs the Board of Directors of its work and recommendations in this area. In 2017, the Group’s corporate responsibility policy and programme were presented and discussed at two of the Committee’s meetings. The functions of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer are separate. Executive management responsibility is held by a Chief Executive Officer and two Deputy CEOs. The Group’s ongoing structure consists of four operational tiers and associated functional structures. This subject is discussed in more detail in Chapter 1, Section 8 and Chapter 2 of the 2017 Registration Document. Sopra Steria Group’s corporate responsibility approach and programme are the responsibility of Executive Management, who oversee the Group’s strategy in this area. Sopra Steria has structured its corporate responsibility programme around several departments: Group Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development Department The Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development (CR&SD) Department oversees rollout of the Group’s corporate responsibility policy, works with the relevant departments to coordinate the continuous improvement approach, and supports those departments and all entities as they implement their action programmes. The CR&SD Department spearheads Group-wide programmes, and more specifically regulatory reporting (presented in this Corporate Responsibility Report), the Group’s assessment by external organisations, interaction with stakeholders, the Group’s environmental programme, the main corporate sponsorship and community engagement partnerships, and actions to raise employee awareness. Sopra Steria Group’s corporate responsibility initiatives are managed via four interdependent units focused on Market Responsibility, Responsible Employment, Environmental Responsibility and Community Engagement. Market Responsibility unit This unit is coordinated by the Group CR&SD Department. It collaborates closely with Group departments responsible for particular aspects of Market Responsibility: Corporate Governance & Risk Management, Human Resources, Legal, Property & Purchasing, Information Systems, Group Communications and Financial Reporting, Quality, and operating divisions. 1.5. Organising corporate responsibility to serve the Group’s businesses 1.5.1. THE FOUR PILLARS OF CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY
Responsible Employment unit Responsible employment is a key issue for the Sopra Steria Group. The unit that coordinates the responsible employment programme forms part of the Group’s Human Resources Department. To handle cases involving issues such as workers with disabilities, gender equality, older employees, diversity and work-linked training opportunities and to coordinate action programmes, a manager with responsibility for responsible employment practices works with the various entities to ensure that all initiatives reflect the wider Group approach. Environmental Responsibility unit The Group’s environmental programme is managed by a Group head and overseen by the Group CR&SD Department. The Environmental Responsibility unit draws on its network of Environment Officers (Group Environmental Sustainability Committee or GESC) and on the relevant Departments, including Property & Purchasing, Information Systems, Communication, Quality, and Corporate Governance & Risk Management. Together with the Quality Department, this unit is responsible for rollout of the Environmental Management System (EMS) and for ISO 14001 certification for certain sites. It also coordinates greenhouse gas assessments and annual reporting to CDP’s climate change programme. Community Engagement unit This unit is coordinated by the Group CR&SD Department. It is managed by the CR&SD Department in the case of Group sponsorship or partnership programmes, by foundations in France and India, or directly by Group entities that enlist the support of their employees and, in some cases, clients. This programme, is supported by an international network of key stakeholders leading local community engagement programmes. 1.5.2. PROGRAMME STEERING BODIES The corporate responsibility programme relies on two steering committees – one at Group level and one covering the network of country correspondents. Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development Committee The Group Deputy CEO and the CR&SD Director chair the Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development Committee (CR&SD Committee), which, meeting twice a year, brings together the managers of the key central departments involved in the Group’s approach. The Committee draws up the Group’s corporate responsibility roadmap and tracks progress against the associated action plans. It met twice in 2017. More specifically, the Committee holds interim progress meetings throughout the year for certain projects, involving functional departments for matters falling within their remits, as well as Group entities and operational departments. Corporate Responsibility Advisory Board The purpose of this advisory body is to provide external feedback on the various components of the Group’s corporate responsibility approach. The Advisory Board consists of three independent experts from senior civil service positions and civil society, the Deputy CEO, the CR&SD Director and key Group managers with responsibility for business units and major issues. It met twice in 2017. The Advisory Board’s main responsibilities are: p to submit recommendations on the Group’s corporate responsibility strategy and priorities; p to provide Executive Management with useful benchmarking information in relation to corporate responsibility; p to provide information on legislative and regulatory developments and their impact as regards corporate responsibility.
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