GENERAL MEETING OF 12 JUNE 2018 Summary of resolutions

MARIE-HÉLÈNE RIGAL-DROGERYS Current position: Independent Director

Number of shares in the Company owned personally: 100

Date of first appointment: 27/06/2014 Attendance rate (current term of office) : 100% Proposed term of office: 6 years

p Member of the Audit Committee

Business address: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon 15 Parvis René Descartes BP 7000, 69342 Lyon Cedex 07, France Nationality: French Age: 48

Main positions and appointments currently held

Listed company

p Advisor to the President on Campus Policy, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon p Expert member of the Advisory Board, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) Albi-Carmaux Other directorships and offices held during the last 5 years p Consultant and Partner of ASK Partners Biography and experience

Currently serving as advisor to the President on Campus Policy at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Marie-Hélène Rigal-Drogerys was a consulting partner with ASK Partners. With a PhD in mathematics, she began her career as a lecturer and researcher at the University of Montpellier and then at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. She then joined Mazars as Senior Manager, where she notably managed Sopra Group’s financial audit. Since 2009, she has worked in strategic and organisational consulting.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS SAMMARCELLI Current position: Independent Director

Number of shares in the Company owned personally: 100

Business address: Sopra Steria Group – 9 bis, rue de Presbourg 75116 Paris – France

Date of cooption: 15/04/2010 Attendance rate (current term of office): 77%

Period 19/06/2012 – 1/09/2014: 50% Period 1/09/2014 – 8/03/2018: 93% Proposed term of office: 4 years

Nationality: French

Age: 67

Main positions and appointments currently held p Chairman of the Supervisory Board, NextStage

Listed company

p Director of RiverBank, Luxembourg p Director of Crédit du Nord

p Director of Boursorama p Director of Sogeprom p Member of the Supervisory Board of Société Générale Marocaine de Banques

p Director of Société Générale Monaco p Non-Voting Director of Ortec Expansion Other directorships and offices held during the last 5 years p Advisor to the Chairman of Société Générale p Chairman of the Board of Directors of Crédit du Nord

p Director of Banque Tarneaud p Director of Amundi Group p Permanent representative of SG FSH on the Board of Directors of Franfinance Biography and experience

Jean-François Sammarcelli is a graduate of the École Polytechnique and spent his entire career at Société Générale. In particular, he served as Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Head of Retail Banking in France from 2010 to 2014, his last positions before his retirement in 2015. He also was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Crédit du Nord and has been a Director of Banque Tarneaud and Amundi Group.



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