GENERAL MEETING OF 12 JUNE 2018 Summary of resolutions

ASTRID ANCIAUX Current position: Director

Number of shares in the Company owned personally: 1,083

Date of first appointment: 27/06/2014 Attendance rate (current term of office): 100% Proposed term of office: 2 years

Business address: Sopra Steria Benelux, le Triomphe, avenue Arnaud Fraiteur 15/23 1050 Brussels – Belgium

Nationality: Belgian

Age: 53

Main positions and appointments currently held

Listed company

p Chief Finance Officer of Sopra Steria Benelux p Director or company officer of subsidiaries (direct and indirect) of Sopra Steria Group p Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Steriactions company mutual fund (FCPE) p Director of Soderi Other directorships and offices held during the last 5 years p Not applicable Biography and experience Currently Finance Director of Sopra Steria Benelux with over 30 years of experience, Astrid Anciaux has been a member of the Board of Directors since 3 September 2014, the date of Sopra Steria Group’s successful public exchange offer for Groupe Steria SCA. After studying at EPHEC (École des Hautes Études Commerciales) in Brussels, she gained professional experience at an accounting firm before joining the finance department at Steriabel, Steria’s first Belgian subsidiary, in 1987. Astrid Anciaux also chairs the Supervisory Board of the Steriactions employee investment fund and is a member of the Board of Directors of Soderi.

ÉRIC HAYAT Current position: Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors

Number of shares in the Company owned personally: 36,745

Date of first appointment: 27/06/2014 Attendance rate (current term of office): 100% Proposed term of office: 6 years

p Member of the Compensation Committee p Member of the Nomination, Ethics and Governance Committee Business address: Sopra Steria Group – 9 bis, rue de Presbourg

75116 Paris – France Nationality: French

Age: 77

Main positions and appointments currently held

Listed company

p President of Éric Hayat Conseil p Chairman of the public interest group Modernisation des Déclarations Sociales (MDS GIP) Other directorships and offices held during the last 5 years p Director of Rexecode p Member of the Supervisory Board and then Chairman of the Board of Directors of Groupe Steria SA

Biography and experience Éric Hayat has been Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sopra Steria Group since 3 September 2014, the date of Sopra Steria Group’s successful public exchange offer for Groupe Steria SCA. Éric Hayat was co-founder and then Deputy CEO of Steria SA. Mr Hayat holds an engineering degree from the École Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique. He was previously Chairman of Syntec Informatique (1991-1997), and of Fédération Syntec (1997-2003), and then a member of the Executive Board of the French employers’ union MEDEF (1997-2005).



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