GENERAL MEETING OF 12 JUNE 2018 Summary of resolutions

The authorisation provided for in Resolution 23 would be granted for a period of 26 months and would supersede the previous such delegation of powers granted on 22 June 2016. The previous delegation of authority was not used. Until now, the We Share employee share ownership plans have been based solely on the sale of treasury shares or the use of treasury shares to satisfy share awards for the employer’s matching contributions, due to the preference indicated by the Board of Directors for transactions that would not result in dilution of shareholder interests. The authorisation provided for in Resolution 23 would be granted for a period of 38 months and would supersede the previous such delegation of powers granted on 22 June 2016. Three plans have been set up pursuant to the previous delegation of authority (in 2016, 2017 and 2018), details of which are provided on page 71 of this Registration Document. For these three plans: p the granting of shares is subject to continued employment at the end of the vesting period. However, this condition may be waived in whole or in part on an exceptional basis; p strict performance conditions will be measured over three financial years (the year of allotment and the two following years) against targets for organic consolidated revenue growth, operating profit on business activity (expressed as a percentage of revenue) and free cash flow. These targets are at least equal to any guidance disclosed to the market; p the Board of Directors also decided that Vincent Paris must retain at least 50% of the vested shares allocated to him under these plans throughout his entire term of office as Chief Executive Officer. Vincent Paris has agreed not to engage in any hedging transactions with respect to performance shares held until the expiry of this plan. 1.2.3. AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION (RESOLUTIONS 24 AND 25) The shareholders at the General Meeting are asked to approve two amendments to the Articles of Association. a. Amendment to Article 14 of the Articles of Association Directors’ terms of office currently last six years. All current directorships will expire at the close of the General Meeting of 12 June 2018. It is proposed that Directors’ terms of office be staggered so that the Board of Directors is renewed gradually, in accordance with Recommendation 13.2 of the AFEP-MEDEF Code. To this end, it is proposed that the Articles of Association stipulate that “Directors’ terms of office last six years. By exception, upon their first appointment following 1 January 2018, Directors’ terms of office may be set at 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years such that directorships are renewed on a staggered basis every two years.” As such, the shareholders would be asked to approve the appointment of Directors every two years. A table comparing the relevant Articles before and after the proposed amendments can be found at the end of this chapter. b. Amendment to Article 15 of the Articles of Association Since 19 June 2012, the roles of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer have been separated. In this governance structure, the Chairman is responsible for a number of duties. The Chairman determines the agenda of and organises Board meetings, while also taking care of running the Board. He guides the implementation of the Group’s strategy and all related matters, including mergers or acquisitions.

He oversees investor relations activities. He assists Executive Management by contributing to certain operational assignments. Within the framework of these duties, the Chairman’s main priorities over the last five years have been: carrying out the merger with the Steria Group, managing integration between Sopra Group and Steria Group, implementing and assisting a solid new management team, relaunching the strategic review process, defining strategic directions and M&A policy, and renewal of the Board of Directors. As regards the last point, this renewal was made necessary by the term of office of all directors coming to an end in June 2018, as well as the desire to adapt the constitution of the Board of Directors to allow it to conduct the Group’s strategic actions over the long term in a climate of major change and increasingly quickly. The principles for renewing the Board of Directors have been set as follows: reducing the size of the Board, respecting the provisions of the agreement drawn up at the time of the merger between Sopra Group and Steria Group, as a high a proportion of independent Board members as possible and maintaining in-depth knowledge of the company within the Board. In order to respect these principles it was decided that the Board of Directors would be renewed in two stages, at the 2018 General Meeting and at the 2020 General Meeting. In this regard, the provisions of the Articles of Association concerning the age limit for the Chairman mean that he cannot conduct the renewal of the Board in two stages effectively and confidently, and in the interests of the company. Furthermore, in his role of steering the Group’s strategy and M&A policy, the Chairman offers essential advantages for the Group, namely his credibility as founder of Sopra Group, his strategic vision supported by his knowledge of the sector and environment, and his extensive experience obtained from his previous executive roles and previous M&A successes. These strengths will be particularly useful over the next six years with regard to three key elements of the Group’s strategy: developing consulting services within the Group, the success of the Sopra Banking Software model, and the Group’s medium-term positioning within its sector. For these two reasons, it is proposed to shareholders at the General Meeting that the Chairman be able to see his six-year term of office through to its end in 2024, and therefore that the age limit be increased from 85 to 89. A table comparing the relevant Articles before and after the proposed amendments can be found at the end of this chapter. 1.3.1. RENEWAL OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The principles set out in Chapter 2 Corporate Governance and in particular the expertise deemed necessary for the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, remain unchanged. Several members of the Board of Directors have indicated that they are not standing for reappointment: p François Odin, Vice-Chairman, first appointed in 1968; p Emma Fernández, Independent Director, co-opted in 2017; p Gérard Jean, Independent Director and Chairman of the Compensation Committee, first appointed in 2003; p Jean Mounet, first appointed in 2012; 1.3. Ordinary General Meeting



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