ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Inventory of regulatory disclosures in 2017

6. Provisional reporting timetable

Publication date


Meeting date

19 February 2018 before market open 26 April 2018 before market open

2017 annual revenue and earnings

19 February 2018

Q1 2018 revenue


Annual General Meeting

12 June 2018 27 July 2018

27 July 2018 before market open 26 October 2018 before market open

2018 interim revenue and earnings

Q3 2018 revenue


The full-year and half-year results are presented at face-to-face meetings and at bilingual webcast meetings in French and English.

7. Inventory of regulatory disclosures in 2017 (1)

7.1. Press releases for ongoing disclosure obligation p 27/11/2017 Sopra Steria Group: Financial calendar 2018. p 07/11/2017 Sopra Steria finalises its acquisition of Galitt. p 25/09/2017 Xavier Hürstel joins Sopra Steria’s Executive Committee as Chief Transformation & People Management Officer.

7.4. Quarterly financial reporting p 26/10/2017 Q3 2017 revenue. p 27/04/2017 Q1 2017 revenue. 7.5. Monthly disclosures of total voting rights and shares p 12 monthly disclosure forms. p 25/04/2017 Filing of the date of publication of the meeting notice in the BALO of the General Meeting of 13 June 2017.

p 22/09/2017

Sopra Steria Group, Winner of the 2017 Transparency Prize. Didier Descombes joins Sopra Steria’s Executive Committee as Chief Strategy & Development Officer – Financial Services. Sopra Steria: Proposed acquisition of Galitt. Sopra Steria finalises its acquisition of Kentor. Sopra Steria: conversion of CS Communication et Systèmes convertible bonds. Sopra Steria: proposed acquisition of Kentor. Combined General Meeting of Wednesday, 13 June 2017. Sopra Steria: Launch of an employee shareholding plan. Publicationof information relating to the compensation of the executive company officers in line with the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code. Sopra Steria raises its stake in Cassiopae to 100%. 2017 half-year results. 2016 full-year results.

p 18/09/2017

7.6. Descriptions of share buyback programmes and reports on the liquidity agreement

p 31/08/2017 p 30/08/2017 p 28/07/2017 p 29/06/2017

Liquidity agreement p 04/07/2017

Half-yearly report on the liquidity contract with Oddo Corporate Finance. Half-yearly report on the liquidity contract with Oddo Corporate Finance. Weekly disclosure of transactions in own shares for the period from 11 to 15 December 2017. Weekly disclosure of transactions in own shares for the period from 13 to 17 November 2017. Weekly disclosure of transactions in own shares for the period from 16 to 20 October 2017. Weekly disclosure of transactions in own shares for the period from 11 to 15 September 2017. Weekly disclosure of transactions in own shares for the period from 14 to 18 August 2017. Weekly disclosure of transactions in own shares for the period from 17 to 21 July 2017. Weekly disclosure of transactions in own shares for the period from 12 to 16 June 2017. Weekly disclosure of transactions in own shares for the period from 15 to 19 May 2017.

p 03/01/2017

p 26/06/2017 p 13/06/2017

Treasury share transactions p 19/12/2017

p 14/03/2017

p 27/11/2017

p 27/02/2017 p 24/02/2017

p 23/10/2017

p 18/09/2017

p 27/01/2017

p 28/08/2017

7.2. Registration Document including the Annual Financial Report and updates p 13/04/2017 Publication of the 2016 Registration Document including the Annual Financial Report. 7.3. Interim financial report p 6/09/2017 Publication of the 2017 Half-Year Financial Report.

p 21/07/2017

p 20/06/2017

p 22/05/2017

(1) All of this information is made available online on the Group’s website (Investors section).



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