CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Approach and methodology
6. Approach and methodology The 2017 Corporate Responsibility Report, presented in Chapter 3 of the 2017 Registration Document, aims to set out the most relevant information on the Group’s activities. The report sets out the progress targets identified in Sopra Steria Group’s roadmap for 2017/2018. The information required to draw up this report is collected in accordance with the reporting procedure. This procedure is reviewed annually to take into account changes in the Group’s scope and reporting approach. The regulatory requirements established by France’s Grenelle II Environment Act set out a framework including specific topics that make the Group’s reporting easier to understand. Based on current regulations and taking into account the distinctive nature of its activities, Sopra Steria has identified 43 themes from the Grenelle Environment Act applicable to the structure of its reporting. Monitoring these themes provides an appropriate measure of the Group’s progress on the five aspects of Corporate Responsibility: Workforce, Market, Community Engagement, Ethics & Compliance, and Environment. This report includes a significant amount of information pertaining to Article 225 of the Grenelle II Environment Act and Articles 70 and 173 of the Energy Transition for Green Growth Act, consistent with the general principles laid down in the guidelines of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) and aligned as closely as possible with the components of ISO 26000. A corresponding cross-reference table is included as an appendix to this document (page 296). The 2017 report includes 64 indicators for Sopra Steria Group, including six Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 29 quantitative indicators and 29 qualitative indicators. Furthermore, pursuant to the seventh paragraph of Article L. 225-102.1 of the French Commercial Code, Sopra Steria has appointed Mazars as an independent third party to verify the completeness and fairness of the information published, as laid down in Article R. 225-105-1 of the French Commercial Code. Scope of reporting To ensure compliance with regulations, the Group has developed a reporting process for collecting the relevant data and leveraging the results in this document. As part of a continuous improvement process, three environmental indicators have been added: p a water consumption indicator; p a paper purchase indicator;
p an indicator on greenhouse gas emissions arising from leakages of refrigerant gases used in air conditioning equipment. As regards the Ethics & Compliance aspect, the initial anti-corruption indicator has been supplemented by five separate indicators covering the following: p Group governance; p Code of Ethics; p anti-corruption initiatives; p duty of care; p General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Sopra Steria’s corporate responsibility policy applies to all Group entities. The headcounts provided in the workforce section of this report and used in certain environmental indicators include the employees of Delta Development System in Algeria (4 people), Sopra Banking Côte d’Ivoire (18 people) and Sopra Banking Gabon (3 people), all non- consolidated subsidiaries of the Group. Depending on the indicator, the geographical scope is either: p all Sopra Steria businesses worldwide (i.e. Sopra Steria Group); p Sopra Steria Group businesses by country (e.g. Sopra Steria France, Sopra Steria UK, Sopra Steria España). For each country, all Sopra Steria Group subsidiaries are included (notably Sopra Banking Software, Sopra HR Software, I2S and CIMPA). The Group, which has both financial and operational control over its joint ventures, has opted to produce reporting that incorporates all environmental data available for those entities for financial year 2017; p specific workforce data is provided for Kentor, Galitt and 2MoRO, acquired in 2017; p the following entities fall outside the scope of environmental reporting: Kentor, Galitt, Beamap, Cassiopae and 2MoRO. This year, CIMPA is in scope for all environmental indicators; p corporate responsibility reporting covers the calendar year from 1 January to 31 December 2017. Any exceptions to calendar year reporting are indicated in respect of the data concerned. To check consistency between financial and non-financial reporting, some structural indicators common to both areas are compared and verified at various levels of detail. An overview of the reporting process and reporting tools relating to this report is set out in the reporting protocol available on request from Sopra Steria’s CR&SD Department.
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