CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Environmental responsibility: innovating in support of the environment


increase their contribution to the low-carbon economy. As indicated through the Group’s materiality matrix (see Chapter 3, Section 1.2 of the 2017 Registration Document), the environmental impact of Sopra Steria’s activities is of high importance for its stakeholders. The maturity of the Group’s environmental policy and the international recognition enjoyed by the Group show that this impact is well managed and underpinned by an innovative action programme and a dynamic improvement process. This policy includes optimising and protecting resources used in connection with the Group’s activities, as well as a specific action programme for lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Key initiatives have been put in place to lower the Group’s environmental impact throughout the value chain, including: p management of operations; p upstream activities; p downstream activities. Sopra Steria is committed to leading the organisation to think, plan and operate collectively and consistently as an environmentally responsible business. The Group’s commitments under its environmental policy concern the following actions: p implementing TCFD-CDSB recommendations to improve the transparency of the Group’s non-financial reporting; p contributing to the new low-carbon economy by targeting a 21% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions between 2015 and 2025, and incentivising employees, partners and suppliers to help deliver this commitment; p contributing to a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by investing in carbon-free electricity and using renewable energy and instruments such as Guarantees of Origin (GOs) and international renewable energy certificates (I-RECs); p continuing with the carbon-neutral offices, on-site datacentres and business travel programme; p coordinating management of physical waste resulting from the Group’s operations to aim at a target of sending zero waste to landfill; p reducing the volume of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) by developing the reuse and recycling of IT equipment; p managing the Group’s water consumption and developing initiatives designed to protect water resources; p using an ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management System (EMS) in a number of offices managed directly by the Group; p strengthening the environmentally friendly responsible purchasing programme; p working with organisations and representative bodies in the digital sector to influence government and regulatory policy; p assessing the potential impact on biodiversity of activities at Group sites so as to limit risks. Sopra Steria works to improve its non-financial reporting every year. In 2017, the Group made two commitments: p set greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets approved by a recognised external body, SBTi; p follow the TCFD-CDSB non-financial reporting recommendations.

Sopra Steria’s environmental risk and opportunity management process forms part of the company’s overall risk management process and covers the Group’s entire scope and structure. At Group level The Group’s Environmental Responsibility Unit identifies environmental risks and opportunities facing the company. It is supported in this task by the Group’s operational, functional and financial control mechanisms, as well as its environmental management bodies: the Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Committee (CR&SD Committee), and the CR Advisory Board (see Section 1.5 of this Corporate Responsibility Report). p Risks: the Group Environment network, which feeds into the Group Environment and Sustainability Committee (GESC), identifies risks and notifies them to the Deputy Chief Executive Officer, who heads up the Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development Committee (CR&SD Committee). Depending on the severity of the risks identified, the CR&SD Committee may alert the Group Compliance Officer, who may decide to notify the Nomination, Ethics and Governance Committee, which is a subcommittee of the Board of Directors. p Opportunities: the CR&SD Committee is the point at which feedback from operations and the GESC network comes together. Since 2016, the GESC has identified international renewable energy certificates (I-RECs) as an instrument for obtaining low-carbon energy in India, thus lowering the Group’s emissions. At country level Risks: local environment correspondents (known as sustainability champions) are responsible for feeding back environmental risks not already identified by the Group, via a range of mechanisms (dedicated mailbox, employee surveys, GESC network, CR&SD Committee, CR Advisory Board, Corporate Governance & Risk Management Department, etc.). Depending on the country, risk mitigation logs are managed by the sustainability champions, the Property Department or Internal Audit Department. Under the Group’s risk management process, local sustainability champions escalate information to the GESC on all environmental risks relating to facilities (equipment, sites, etc.) where the level of risk must be taken into account to ensure the smooth running of the business. Opportunities: staff at the Environment Unit work closely with functional and operational departments to share local initiatives with the aim of developing innovative sustainable development solutions (see Chapter 3, Section 3.7 of the 2017 Registration Document).

5.3. A strong, innovative environmental policy and commitments


Sopra Steria has in place an innovative environmental policy designed to reduce the adverse impact of its operations and help stakeholders within its value chain (employees, clients, suppliers, partners, etc.)



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