SOMFY - Annual financial report 2019


the circular economy-focused work of the FIEEC to make progress in this field. Somfy has decided to monitor a significant indicator concerning its greenhouse gas emissions and regarding which it is able to take action: the CO 2 emissions related to the energy consumption of its electronic motors when on standby. 2017 2018 2019 CO 2 emission per electronic motor related to consumption on standby 40.30kg of CO 2 39.38kg of CO 2 37.41kg of CO 2 This reduction of 7.17% in two years is a result of the first initiatives taken under the Act for Green ® eco-design programme. The data used in the calculation was provided by the Group and has a low level of uncertainty. However, the emission factor used is based on average European data, ultimately resulting in a level of uncertainty classed as medium. Waste processing Somfy takes into account the impact of waste on the entire lifecycle of its products, from their production through to their end of life reprocessing.

introduced, such as the bicycle mileage allowance, the car sharing site Klaxit, electric bicycle loans, the partial reimbursement of season tickets for public transport for Somfy Activités SA, the installation of electric vehicle charging stations and the gradual introduction of hybrid (electric and petrol) vehicles to replace diesel in the company’s vehicle fleet. The “Mobility Challenge” day, aimed at changing commuting habits was held again in 2019. Since the softest mobility is the type that is not undertaken, agreements have been reached to promote remote working amongst eligible employees. Currently, out of an estimated maximum of 1,300 employees eligible to work remotely, more than 750 have already done so on at least one occasion, representing a ratio of almost 58% of eligible employees. The average number of days worked remotely per employee is 16 per year per person. Other green habits: In 2019, at least 19 green habits were included at all the Group’s locations. They included, in particular, the distribution of recyclable mugs and containers; the sorting of waste and its anaerobic digestion for use in public transport; limiting the use of plastic cups and aluminium capsules for coffee, choosing low carbon taxi companies, carbon offsetting of a logistics seminar. At the Cluses company restaurant, proactive measures in favour of organic food and local produce has increased the amount of organic food served to 18%. In respect of reusing IT equipment, 1,298 items were processed in 2019 including 987 computers. The update and removal of computer data is performed by a company promoting the employment of disabled people. These computers and various accessories are then reused, thereby breathing new life into them. In 2019, 88% of the equipment was reusable, with the remaining 12% sent for recycling. Involvement of teams in the local ecosystem Somfy is one of the founder members of the organisation G.R.E.En (Groupement pour la Responsabilité Environnementale des Entreprises) which brings together companies and communities from the Haute-Savoie and Mont-Blanc regions. This organisation promotes initiatives to support the sustainable development of these territories. Somfy takes part, for example, in working groups and active events related to eco-mobility, energy efficiency and the circular economy. Somfy is involved locally in the grouping of local authorities’ Regional Air and Energy Climate Plan where a proportion of its French manufacturing sites are located, the 2CCAM (Communauté de Communes Cluses Arve & Montagne). As part of this same drive, the Sustainable Development Department often leads initiatives to raise awareness amongst younger generations of sustainable development issues. These initiatives take the form of participation in presentations and lessons in primary and secondary schools, and universities in Haute-Savoie and elsewhere. Results of the Green Operations action plan Water usage and discharge of wastewater The industrial assembly processes do not use water. The water volumes cited below are therefore exclusively related to the daily domestic consumption of the sites, which explains the relatively low volumes used and discharged.

Industrial waste from the Group’s manufacturing sites Waste (Tonnes) 31/12/18


Non-hazardous waste



Hazardous waste TOTAL WASTE



4,096 3,692

4,355 3,979


Recycling rate



The increase in the total amount of waste generated is 6.3% for a 6.5% increase in activity. Somfy products are covered by the European WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment. Somfy’s membership of local environmental organisations or trade bodies professional means that it falls within the scope of this Directive regarding the processing of end of life products. Somfy is involved, within its trade associations, in the promotion of the circular economy within its industry, an example being Somfy’s active participation in the GT circular economy of the IGNES trade body in France. Somfy is also active in this field within the association G.R.E.En Eco-behaviour and eco-habits of employees Mobility plays an important role in these eco-friendly habits: The Group’s head office is located in Haute-Savoie, in the Arve Valley. Due to weather conditions and its specific topography, it is an area sensitive to episodes of air pollution. It is also covered by an Air Protection Plan. Somfy focused on measures to help reduce this pollution by seeking to influence the means of transport used for commuting to and from work. Several practical steps have been which is testing the software Upcycléa. Results of the Green Teams action plan



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