SOMFY - Annual financial report 2019



Somfy’s workforce at 31 December 2019, including temporary and part-time employees recorded on a full-time equivalent basis, was as follows:



Average workforce

6,223 6,067

6,168 6,117

End of period workforce


Pensions and other long-term benefits Note 10.2.1

In respect of pension plan commitments, the Group contributes to pension plans or grants benefits to employees on retirement in compliance with the rules and regulations in place in each country. These benefits have been measured. Contributions paid in respect of plans analysed as defined contribution plans, for which the Group has no other obligation than paying contributions, are recognised as expenses for the financial year. For defined benefit plans relating to post-employment benefits, the cost of benefits is measured using the projected unit credit method. According to this method, the rights to benefits are allocated to periods of service depending on the plan’s formula for acquisition of rights, by taking account of a straight-line effect where the rate of acquisition of rights is not uniform to the periods of subsequent service. The amount of future payments corresponding to benefits granted to employees are measured on the basis of salary increase, retirement age and death rate assumptions, and then discounted to their present value on the basis of long-term bond interest rates of prime issuers. These plans are either financed – their assets being managed separately and independently from the Group – or not, with their commitments being recognised in the balance sheet under “Employee benefits”. The provision recognised in the balance sheet corresponds to the present value of the obligations calculated as described above, less the fair value of plan assets.

The different defined benefit plans are the following: retirement benefit plans (IFC) for all French companies, in – compliance with applicable collective agreements; defined benefit pension plans in international subsidiaries – (United States in particular). Re-measurements of the net defined benefit liability, which comprises actuarial gains and losses, the return on plan assets (excluding amounts accounted for in the calculation of net interest on the net liability) and, if applicable, the change in the effect of assets ceiling (excluding amounts accounted for in the calculation of net interest on the net liability) are recognised immediately in other comprehensive income. The past service cost resulting from a plan amendment or curtailment of an existing plan is immediately expensed. Expenses relating to this type of plan are recognised under employee expenses and, with regard to the accretion expense, under net financial expense. Seniority awards are treated as long-term benefits granted to employees and provided for on the basis of an actuarial evaluation at every year-end. Actuarial gains and losses are recognised as expenses. Also, the severance pay provision (TFR) applicable to Italian companies is treated as a long-term benefit.

At 31 December 2019, actuarial losses recognised in reserves amounted to €8.9 million (i.e. a negat ive €11.9 million in “Employee benefits” and a positive €3.0 million in deferred tax).



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