SOMFY - Annual Financial Report 2020


2. Policies

an obstacle, notably for lone parents. As such, upon presentation of supporting documentation, overnight childcare costs are covered in the event of an exceptional work assignment (including training). Lastly, in order to respect the work/life balance and family responsibilities, flexible working time is facilitated. For example, employees in a team on rotating shifts can move to a team on fixed shifts until their child/children reach/reaches the age of three; while health and safety in the workplace are a priority shared by – all Somfy teams, specific attention is paid to the health of female employees. Measures are specifically financed to combat musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). A budget of €60,000 is dedicated to the “Pro MSD” project to improve the ergonomics of production workstations. Other measures have been taken to offer relief in relation to the stresses experienced during pregnancy: every pregnant employee can benefit from an area for more rest in the event of tiredness. In relation to disability: Somfy conducts campaigns to raise employee awareness and – works with an agency specialised in the recruitment of people with disabilities; initiatives in 2020 included coverage of the topic of Disability – during the Sustainable Development week (at Group level) and another week was entirely devoted to the issue during European Disability Employment Week; Somfy Activités SA’s recruitment teams participated for the first – time in the specialist recruitment forum Hello Handicap!; several practical measures have been introduced to facilitate – continued employment: four-days of paid leave of absence per year every three years, flexible working hours, flexibility in terms of role, etc.; more broadly, Somfy is committed to the Disability ecosystem – through its use of subcontracting services from companies within the protected worker sector. 4. Results and KPIs The engagement rate of women in the Somfyscope survey stood at 7.5, a significant increase of 0.6 points in relation to 2019. This positive result was driven in particular by the following elements: respect for the employee by their manager, safety in the workplace and confidence in the Group’s future.

The overall aim in relation to this issue is detailed in the introduction to the People chapter. The Group considers this area to be a key factor in its success. In France, Somfy is focusing its efforts on gender equality and disability. Somfy Activités SA has signed an agreement with Agefip, which sets out a three-year investment plan, allowing for the recruitment of more employees with disabilities and ensuring it complies with regulations. Somfy does not want to differentiate between its talents. This principle was acknowledged in 2018 with the signature, with the trade unions, of a Company Agreement promoting gender equality in the workplace. This agreement covers five topics: recruitment, remuneration, career development, the relationship between work and private life, and health and safety at work. The agreement was signed for an initial period of three years. This type of approach will be extended across the Group from 2021. 3. Initiatives Several key actions have been completed in relation to gender equality in the workplace, including: during recruitment, both internal and external, the Group’s – practice is to include at least one woman in the shortlist of candidates. Somfy particularly wants to promote the recruitment of women in the Engineers and Managerial Staff category. Somfy Activités SA has set itself the following target: to ensure the proportion of women in this category is at least 30% by the end of 2021. At the end of 2019, this target was achieved: women made up 30% of managerial staff and engineers (up 2% in relation to 2018); second objective: Somfy wants to increase the appeal of – so-called “technical” professions amongst students and to promote a non-gendered image in relation to these roles while women account for under 30% of these roles. To achieve this, the company is going to take part in several school and university forums to promote these professions to female students. At Somfy, non-discrimination between men and women in the award of individual increases is guaranteed. Specific resources have been mobilised to support the proportion of women in the Engineers and Managerial Staff category, and each year funding of €25,000 is committed to qualification and certification training for our female employees; seeking the balance between professional development and – family responsibilities is at the heart of our concerns. Measures have been taken to allocate family-related charges more equitably: the employer’s share of pension contributions maintained in the event of parental leave; full salary guaranteed in the event of statutory paternity leave; length of service maintained by the employee during parental leave (against 50% according to the French Employment Code currently); easier access to information on the statutory leave put into place by the company to support parents; solidarity based savings account scheme for employees required to support a severely ill spouse or parent. This scheme enables all employees to give annual leave days to the employee assuming responsibility for a member of their family with an illness or disability or who is the victim of a serious accident; Somfy is seeking to roll out equal access to training and – professional opportunities. Childcare constraints should not be

% of women in total workforce



Collection panel for social data

45.63% 45.94%

Somfy Activités SA

39.98% 40.76%

% of women in management




Not calculated


Somfy Activités SA

Not calculated




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