An efficient and responsible Group The Group’s contribution to environmental, social and societal challenges to achieve a local and inclusive development

Contributing locally to the fight against climate 4.2 change

The carbon emissions prevented 4.2.1 by the Group’s solutions’ performance Well aware that its activities inevitably have environmental, social and economic impacts, the Group desires to minimize its negative impacts and to continue the expansion of its positive contribution. Controlling greenhouse gas emissions and the global energy consumption are the indispensable prerequisites to containing global warming below 2°C and harnessing the long-term effects of climate change. The innovative solutions developed by the Group in order to improve the energy efficiency of buildings allow for the decrease of both the negative impacts of the construction sector on the climate and the energy bills of consumers. They therefore play an important role in the fight against climate change, as they permit through a reduction of energy demand to decrease the quantity of greenhouse gases emitted. At the same time, Saint-Gobain has implemented an Energy policy and some ambitious objectives relative to the reduction of the environmental impact of production and logistics operations. Thus, the benefits offered by the Group’s thermal insulation products and glass exceed significantly the impacts associated to their production in terms of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In partnership with EY, Saint-Gobain developed in 2015 a methodology that allows for the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions prevented thanks to the utilization of its insulation solutions in Europe. The calculations realized with 2014 sales numbers were updated in 2017 with 2016 sales; the scope of Europe was enlarged to the world. These updating efforts have permitted to confirm the three key teachings of 2015: After three months of use on average, the Group’s „ solutions compensate the emissions linked to their production. Beyond these three months, the gains continue to accumulate.

The Group’s insulation solutions produced and sold „ throughout the World in 2016 have generated, across their lifespan, a potential cumulated net prevention of over 1,200 million tons equivalent CO 2; The estimated potential prevention of the said solutions „ corresponds to about 90 times the Group’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2016 over the same geographical scope. sustainable construction and in the energy efficiency of buildings Among the training courses delivered by local teams (see Chapter 2, Section 2.2), some are dedicated to energy efficiency and to the reduction of the environmental impact of buildings. The Building Distribution Sector is particularly active on that subject. In France, the Point.P network has implemented “Energy Efficiency” counters in over 130 agencies. The sellers are specifically trained and tools such as a simulator that allows for the evaluation of the energy efficiency in the construction sector, baptized Feebat, is offered alongside a support for the official recognition of the efficiency of the measures implemented called Certypro. In other countries, like The Netherlands, Norway or even Denmark, dedicated spaces are offered to installers and individuals to provide them with advice and training in the realm of renewable energies. Beyond the Building Distribution Sector, training structures are offered by country. They are open to craftsmen, installers, architects and other actors of the construction sector. They can also be associated with professional schools. In France, the Habitat France structure is committed to eight training centers for apprentices (CFA) for partnerships relative to the provision of training or for the accompaniment of instructors that answer to a center. The local training courses in 4.2.2



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