10 Additional information and cross-reference tables CSR information
Appendix List of the CSR Information considered to be the most important Quantitative social Information: Total number of employees per socio-professional category Total workforce, and workforce by gender (male/female) Average number of training hours per employee and per year in nine countries (Belgium, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, North America, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom) Absenteeism rate Number of employees having subscribed to the Group’s Savings Plan Ratio of lost-time accidents involving Group employees, temporary workers and contractors to the number of hours worked by Group employees, temporary workers and contractors (TF 1 ) Ratio of declared accidents with or without absence from work involving Group employees, temporary workers and contractors to the number of hours worked by Group employees, temporary workers and contractors (TF 2 ) Number of fatal accidents of Saint-Gobain employees, temporary workers and contractors. Qualitative social Information: Training policy Gender equality policy and measures taken in favor of gender equality. Recruitments by gender (male/female) Departures by gender (male/female)
Energy use per type of energy Water input (withdrawn) per type of source
Water discharges quantities (total, into surrounding environment, into municipal wastewater collection system) Total amount of waste generated Amount of hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste and non-recovered waste Production (Net saleable production). Qualitative environmental Information: Circular economy : Actions aiming to reduce the amount of waste produced and to facilitate recycling, reuse, and other forms of waste recovery and disposal; Climate change: main sources of greenhouse gas emissions generated by company activities, as well as by the use of the goods and services produced by the company.
Quantitative societal Information: Saint-Gobain Foundation Initiatives :
Number of projects received; Number of projects approved ; Number of projects supported; Funds granted for the projects.
Subcontracting and suppliers: Number of suppliers (distribution and non-distribution) audited (initial audits).
Qualitative societal Information: Prevention of corruption; Vigilance plan;
Territorial, economic and social impact of the company activity in terms of employment and regional development; Partnerships and sponsorships.
Quantitative environmental Information: Direct and indirect CO 2
emissions coming from energy and
raw material consumptions NO x emissions
SO 2
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