Additional information and cross-reference tables CSR information

Continuous improvement c) The Saint-Gobain Group has taken a voluntary and progressive approach to enhancing the reliability of its social data, through: continuous exchanges of information with the General „ Delegations and Activities in France and also with the reporting contributors (651) to ensure proper understanding and application of the rules for calculating the social indicators defined in the Group’s doctrine, available in French and in English; the choice of indicators, in the interests of stability to „ ensure the reliability of comparisons over time, as far as possible; the annual submission of a selection of social data for „ external assessment; strengthening of the controls implemented at each „ collection and consolidation level; automation of collection, by a growing number of „ interfaces between shared service centers (SSC) and Smart’R, to ensure reliability and continuous improvement in data quality. Smart'R's purpose is to collect data from payment systems at the end of each month. Since the closing payment dates are different depending on the countries, some indicators are solely calculated over 12 rolling months in order to accommodate the potential discrepancies emerging from these different closing dates. monthly incorporation into Smart’R of interface files „ originating from shared service centers and questionnaire for non-interfaced entities; collection of annual social data in questionnaires, which is „ carried out by contributors at company level; this is additional data not present in Smart’R such as indicators of social relations (e.g. number of agreements signed); verification and consolidation within the Group’s Social „ Affairs Department; the report allows spreadsheets to be generated as „ management tools for the Group’s Human Resources Department and at all levels of the structure, both for individual companies and for individual General Delegations. Data consolidation d) The reporting process is organized into four stages:

Absenteeism indicator e) The absence data of certain entities is sometimes difficult to collect in view of local contexts. Absenteeism is thus calculated over a more limited scope than that of the annual social reporting campaign. Absenteeism is expressed as a percentage and corresponds to the total number of hours of absence over the total number of theoretical hours worked. The reasons for absence taken into account in this indicator are absences for illness, absences relating to occupational accidents (or travel), absences due to strike and unjustified absences. Authorized or anticipated absences (e.g. leave, family events) are not included in this indicator. In some countries, entities have been excluded from the indicator's calculation because of the lack of data explained by a variety of reasons (no interfaces, local regulation, etc.). The following countries are concerned by this exclusion: USA, Canada, Austria, India, Bhutan, Philippines, South Korea and Finland. The absence data is in the process of being rendered reliable and forms part of our measure for improving the quality of data. Difficulties and restrictions f) The main difficulty lies in the variety of countries in which the Group is active. The guidelines for the calculation of social reporting indicators are distributed each year to contributors, but the indicators are sometimes interpreted according to local contexts (national laws or practices). This is the case, for example, with the concepts of training or permanent employment contracts. To make the training data report reliable, the Group redefined the principles for these indicators in 2016. The data collected now include all training hours appropriately substantiated as such. In France, training for apprentices is no more integrated in the global reporting, in hours or in associated cost. When it comes to security, for most entities permanent subcontractors worked hours and reported on the basis of partners' declarations or on estimations. Further, data on local contexts is sometimes impossible to collect. Therefore, certain indicators are calculated over a more limited scope of reporting than the scope of the annual social reporting campaign. This scope is defined each time.



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