Additional information and cross-reference tables CSR information

It is articulated around 3 stages: risk mapping; „ evaluation of suppliers’ CSR performance; „ construction of improvement plans in collaboration with „ suppliers. Risk identification tackles the nature of risks linked to the purchasing category, the production type and the geographical zone that the activity is present in. The risks linked to human rights, in particular forced labor, child labor and corruption are in majority linked to geographical zones. Work conditions and in particular the evaluation of decent work are accounted for in the evaluation of both country risks and risks linked to activities. Environmental risks, and risks linked to health and safety are mostly linked to purchasing categories and to the supplier’s performance. The policy is differentiated for trade and non-trade purchases, because of their location on the supply chain: non-trade purchases are located upstream from „ production and all logistical aspects; trade purchases are located downstream from production. „ The suppliers identified at risk are evaluated either by a documentary evaluation or by an on-site audit depending on the nature of risks and on the supplier’s ability to manage them. If the methodology and risk criteria are identical, the policy’s application procedures are thus differentiated between trade Purchases and non-trade Purchases. The Group’s desire is to commit suppliers to an effort towards continuous improvement and partnership. If a supplier demonstrates their inability to improve their CSR performance despite shared action plans, Saint-Gobain reserves the right to end commercial relations and to exclude the supplier from the Group’s tender processes. Saint-Gobain’s Responsible Purchasing effort is presented in Chapter 4, Section 2.2 and the annual reporting is published in Chapter 5, Section 2.4.

The accident analysis safety standard; „ The working at height safety standard; „ The management of external companies present on-site „ safety standard; The work permits safety standard; „ The lock-out/tag-out safety standard; „ The forklift trucks safety standard; „ The safety of machines safety standard; „ The vehicles and pedestrians safety standard; „ The confined spaces safety standard; „ The storage and logistics operations safety standard; „ The road hazards management safety standard; „ The industrial health-hygiene standard on the purchase „ and use of mobile phones and smartphones. The EHS network has implemented audit programs: two audit types adapted to the Group’s industrial activities: „ 52 audits “12 steps” carried out in 2017 „ 121 audits “20 steps” carried out in 2017 „ audits adapted to the distribution sector: 323 audits „ carried out in 2017. In addition to the audit program carried out by the EHS network, the verification of the EHS Reference Frame, policies and standards training is part of the Internal Control referential, in particular the 9.2.03, 9.2.04, 9.2.05 controls regarding the EHS risk assessment, the elaboration of the EHS plan and its follow-up. Monthly and yearly EHS reporting allows monitoring incidents and performance evolution. This reporting is published in Chapter 5, Section 2.4. The vigilance plan linked to the 2.1.2 Group’s Purchases The Responsible Purchasing Policy aims to identify, manage and reduce environmental, social and societal risks linked to the Saint-Gobain Group’s supply chain.



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