2017 consolidated financial statements and notes

4.8 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY As of December 31, 2017, Rubis’ share capital was composed of 93,868,480 fully paid-up shares (including 2,740 preferred shares) with a par value of €1.25 each, i.e. a total of €117,336 thousand. Two-for-one split of the par value of the shares The Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of June 8, 2017 resolved to carry out a two-

The new shares have the same rights as the existing shares that they replace, and the amount of the share capital remains unchanged. The various transactions impacting the share capital in the period are set out in the table below:

for-one split of the par value of the Rubis share, delegating all powers to the Board of Management to set the date of the split and to make any necessary adjustments. As a result, the Board of Management, meeting on July 13, 2017, decided to split the par value of the share from €2.50 to €1.25, with each shareholder receiving 2 new shares for one existing share.

Share capital (in thousands of euros)

Share premium (in thousands of euros)

Number of shares


45,454,888 45,454,888 2,284,258



Two-for-one split of the par value Payment of the dividend in shares



Exercise of stock options

371,502 122,258 177,946

465 153 222

6,312 (153) 5,241

Bonus shares

Company savings plan

Equity line


Preferred shares




Capital increase Capital increase expenses Legal reserve allocation AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2017

(166) (369)




As of December 31, 2017, Rubis held 15,037 treasury shares.

Equity line agreement with BNP Paribas and Crédit Agricole CIB of July 2013 In July 2013, the Group signed an equity line agreement with BNP Paribas and Crédit Agricole CIB for a period of 40 months, capped at 2,440,000 shares. The subscription price is based on the weighted average share price (over the 3 days prior to issue) less a 4% discount. This agreement terminated in July 2017. Since its signing, it has resulted in the issuance of 229,500 new shares.

Equity line agreement with Crédit Agricole CIB and Société Générale of July 2017 Under the delegations granted by the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting and the General Partners’ Meeting of June 8, 2017, Rubis established 2 equity lines on July 21, 2017, in the form of issues of warrants, split between Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (Crédit Agricole CIB) and Société Générale, enabling it to carry out successive capital increases up to the authorized ceiling of €5,500,000 in par value (corresponding to 4,400,000 shares of €1.25 each), i.e. less than 5% of the Company’s share capital as of the date of the meeting. Crédit Agricole CIB and Société Générale each signed an agreement with Rubis on July 21, 2017 enabling them respectively to subscribe 2,200,000 warrants. These warrants may be exercised solely at Rubis’ discretion for a period of 40 months, in

successive installments, with each bank undertaking to purchase, either directly or through one of its subsidiaries, the Rubis shares resulting from the exercise of the warrants. The subscription price of the shares issued in respect of these warrants will be the average share price over the 3 trading days prior to its fixing, weighted by trading volumes, less a discount of 5%. For indicative purposes, on the basis of the share price on the date the agreement was signed, the potential increase in shareholders’ equity could be as much as €210 million. The 2 banks, acting in their capacity as financial intermediaries, do not intend to become long-term shareholders of the Company. This agreement did not result in the issuance of new shares in fiscal year 2017.

2017 Registration Document I RUBIS 206


Increase in the share capital Increase in issue premiums



Reintegration of the allocation to the legal reserve Change in receivables related to called but unpaid capital CAPITAL INCREASE IN THE STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

369 459


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