2017 consolidated financial statements and notes


ACCOUNTING POLICIES Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for all temporary differences between the book value and the tax basis, using the liability method. Deferred tax assets are recognized for all deductible temporary differences, carry forwards of unused tax losses and unused tax credits, subject to the probability of taxable profit becoming available in the foreseeable future, on which these temporary deductible differences and carry forwards of unused tax losses, and unused tax credits can be used. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the expected tax rate for the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, based on tax rates and laws enacted by the closing date. This measurement is updated at each balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not discounted.

Deferred tax is recorded as the difference between the book value and the tax basis of assets and liabilities. Deferred tax assets and liabilities break down as follows:



(in thousands of euros)

Depreciation of fixed assets



Loss carry forwards Temporary differences

3,200 7,229 2,205 5,252

4,718 7,171 2,830 3,160

Provisions for risks

Provisions for environmental costs

Financial instruments Pension commitments



8,367 1,384




NET DEFERRED TAXES Deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities NET DEFERRED TAXES


(37,076) 12,521 (49,597) (37,076)


(70,938) (63,909)

tax pertaining to the fair value of hedging instruments for Rubis Terminal and Rubis Énergie. Deferred taxes on fixed assets mainly comprise: • the cancellationof excess tax depreciation over normal depreciation; • the standardization of depreciation rates for machinery; • the difference between the consolidated value and the tax value of certain assets. With respect to French entities, deferred taxes that will probably be applied between 2019 and 2022 were measured inclusive of the gradual reductions in tax rate provided

by the Finance Act of 2018. This rate differential generated income of €1.6 million. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset by entity or by tax consolidation group. Only the deferred tax asset or liability balance by entity or by tax consolidation group appears on the balance sheet. There is only one tax consolidation scope within the Group, that of the parent company, Rubis, which comprises the following entities: Rubis Terminal, Vitogaz France, Rubis Énergie, Coparef, ViTO Corse, Frangaz, Starogaz, Sicogaz, Rubis Antilles Guyane, SIGL, Rubis Caraïbes Françaises, Rubis Guyane Française, Société Antillaise des Pétroles Rubis, Rubis Restauration et Services and Société Réunionnaise de Produits Pétroliers (SRPP).

Deferred taxes representing tax loss carry forwards concern mainly the tax loss carry forwards of the Frangaz, Rubis Energy Jamaica Ltd and Rubis Terminal BV entities. The losses of Rubis Terminal BV relate primarily to the use of accelerated depreciation for tax purposes. The deferred tax recorded on tax loss carry forwards of Frangaz concern the loss carry forwards generated before its inclusion in Rubis’ tax scope. These losses are deducted from the net profits generated by Frangaz. The business forecasts updated at year- end justify the probability of deferred tax assets being applied in the medium term. Deferred taxes relating to financial instruments basically comprise the deferred

2017 Registration Document I RUBIS 204

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