2017 consolidated financial statements and notes

Standards, interpretations and amendments applicable in advance The Group has not opted for the early adoption of the following standards, interpretations and amendments, the application of which is not mandatory as of December 31, 2017:

Date of mandatory application subject to adoption by the EU


IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” Amendments to IFRS 9 IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” Amendments to IFRS 15 Amendments to IFRS 2 Amendments to IFRS 4 Annual improvements IFRIC 22 “Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance Consideration” IFRIC 23 “Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments” IFRS 16 “Leases”

New standard concerning the recognition and measurement of financial instruments

January 1, 2018 January 1, 2019

Prepayment features with negative compensation

New standard concerning revenue recognition

January 1, 2018 January 1, 2018 January 1, 2019 January 1, 2018 January 1, 2018 January 1, 2018


New standards concerning the recognition of leases

Classification and measurement of share-based payment transactions

Interactions between IFRS 4 and IFRS 9

Annual IFRS improvements, cycle 2014-2016. Standards concerned: IFRS 1 and IAS 28.

Foreign currency transactions and non-refundable advances paid or received

January 1, 2018

Clarifications regarding the accounting for contingencies in respect of income taxes

January 1, 2019

Finally, the software to adapt the information systems is currently being rolled out. The preparatory work on IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” has been completed. The Group has identified very few issues. The main change concerns the treatment of costs of obtaining contracts, which will be recognized in assets starting January 1, 2018. The impacts are not material.

of typical contracts highlighted the major difficulties that will face the Group, such as service components included in lease payments, renewal options and intra-group and inter-segment leasing. The Group is moving toward a simplified retrospective application. The discount rate will be set Group-wide. The subsidiaries have been trained in the new standard. The Group’s manual of accounting procedures is being rewritten.

The Group has not opted for the early adoption of IFRS 16, “Leases”, applicable to fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2019. Much preparatory work was carried out in fiscal year 2017. In the first place, the Group conducted a survey of our operating leases and found some 2,000 contracts to reprocess. (This figure might change as a result of the recent changes in scope of consolidation.) The analysis of a number

2017 Registration Document I RUBIS


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