QUADIENT - 2020 Universal Registration Document

NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE STATEMENT Social, societal, and environmental information

Quadient’s CSR strategy

Quadient’s CSR strategy is built around 5 pillars, which establishes a link between the Group’s strategic vision and its main non-financials risks and challenges. In 2020, the Company has outlined its CSR Roadmap 2021-2023 and defined clear objectives and targets intended to be reached by the end of 2023. In addition, Quadient has set ambitious 2030 targets to reduce the carbon footprint of its activities and solutions.

This roadmap is structured around 12 ambitions and 14 objectives, in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For each of them, initiatives, programs and monitored annual targets have been developed. The table below illustrates the CSR pillars and ambitions, the main objectives and the results achieved in 2020.

CSR challenges/ Non-financial risks

2020 Results



SDG Section

People: Empowering Quadient's people to achieve the Company strategy Talent attraction and retention Provide great working conditions • empowering all Quadient employees to perform at their very best.

>80 of employees benefiting remote working 2 days or more per week Being recognized “Best Places to Work” with score greater than 70

79 (a)


Health & safety and well-being Inclusion & Diversity

Create an inclusive and diverse • culture indicative of Quadient’s equal opportunity employer philosophy. Give all employees the • opportunity and the means for


Human capital development

>30 of women among managers >30 of women among Senior Leaders



personal and career development and empower them to contribute to the Company’s success.


Ethics & Compliance: Enabling a culture of excellence and integrity Data privacy Breach of ethical rules Responsible Promote a culture of integrity • and ethical conduct through. Quadient’s compliance program.

>95 employees endorsed the code of ethics >95 employees completed the training on the code of ethics >95 our strategic suppliers have endorsed the Supplier code of conduct Reduce CO 2 emissions by: (i) 28 , for scope 1 & 2 between 2018 and 2030 (ii) 40 / m revenue for targeted categories, for scope 3 between 2018 and 2030 Mail-Related Solutions (MRS) equipment remanufacturing to account for more than 50 of MRS products placed on the market

61.8 (b)


Protect privacy and integrity • of data entrusted to Quadient against internal and external threats. Engage with partners and • suppliers who observe standards similar to those of the Company. change and support global transition to a low carbon economy. Foster circular economy principles • in Quadient's operations and solutions to lower the Company's environmental footprint.

64.2 (b)

procurement Human Rights Corruption & bribery

N/A (c)

Environment: Reduce Quadient’s environmental footprint Circular economy Climate change Take actions to combat climate •

32 (d) compared to 2018 5.2 / m compared to 2018 34.6




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