Plastic Omnium // 2022 Notice of Meeting



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The General Meeting is asked to reach a decision on the compensation policy for corporate officers of Compagnie Plastic Omnium SE, pursuant to article L.22-10-8 of the French Commercial Code ( ex ante vote) The 12 th to 15 th resolutions propose that the General Meeting approve, in accordance with the provisions of article L.22-10-8, II of the French Commercial Code, the compensation policies for the corporate officers of Compagnie Plastic Omnium SE. These policies would apply from financial year 2022 until the General Meeting reaches a decision on a new compensation policy. The texts of these compensation policies drawn up by the Board of Directors appear in Section 3.2.2 of the 2021 universal registration document. The shareholders are asked to approve each of the following compensation policies: by voting on the 12 th resolution, the compensation policy for the j Chairman of the Board of Directors of Compagnie Plastic Omnium SE, drawn up by the Board of Directors on a

recommendation from the Compensation Committee, as set out in paragraph of the 2021 universal registration document; by voting on the 13 th resolution, the compensation policy for the j Chief Executive Officer of Compagnie Plastic Omnium SE, drawn up by the Board of Directors on a recommendation from the Compensation Committee, as set out in paragraph of the 2021 universal registration document; by voting on the 14 th resolution, the compensation policy for the j Managing Director of Compagnie Plastic Omnium SE, drawn up by the Board of Directors on a recommendation from the Compensation Committee, as set out in paragraph of the 2021 universal registration document; by voting on the 15 th resolution, the compensation policy for the j directors of Compagnie Plastic Omnium SE, drawn up by the Board of Directors on a recommendation from the Compensation Committee, as set out in paragraph of the 2021 universal registration document.


PLASTIC OMNIUM Notice of meeting 2022

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