Plastic Omnium // 2022 Notice of Meeting



Twenty-first resolution: Authorization to be given to the Board of Directors to cancel the shares bought back by the Company pursuant to Article L. 22-10-62 of the French Commercial Code, duration of the authorization, ceiling Twenty-second resolution: Authorization to be given to the Board of Directors to grant stock options to employees and/or certain corporate officers of the Company or related companies, duration of the authorization, ceiling, exercise price, maximum option term Twenty-third resolution: Authorization to be given to the Board of Directors to freely award existing and/or to be issued shares to employees and/or certain corporate officers of the Company or related companies, duration of the authorization, ceiling, duration of the vesting periods, particularly in the event of disability and retention Twenty-fourth resolution: Delegation of authority granting the Board of Directors powers to issue ordinary shares, and/or equity securities giving access to other equity securities, or granting entitlement to the allocation of debt securities and/or investment securities giving access to equity securities to be issued by the Company, with preferential subscription rights, the duration of the delegation, the maximum nominal amount of the capital increase, ability to limit the increase to the amount of subscriptions, to distribute or launch a public offer for unsubscribed share Twenty-fifth resolution: Delegation of authority granting the Board of Directors powers to issue ordinary shares and/or equity securities giving access to other equity securities or granting entitlement to the allocation of debt securities and/or investment securities giving access to equity securities to be issued by the Company, without preferential subscription rights, by way of a public offer, excluding the offers referred to in 1° of Article L. 411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, and/or as consideration for securities as part of a public exchange offer, the duration of the delegation, the maximum nominal amount of the capital increase, the issue price, ability to limit the increase to the amount of subscriptions Twenty-sixth resolution: Delegation of authority granting the Board of Directors powers to issue ordinary shares and/or equity securities giving access to other equity securities, or granting entitlement to the allocation of debt securities and/or investment securities giving access to equity securities to be issued by the Company, without preferential subscription rights, by way of a public offer referred to in 1° of Article L. 411-2 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, duration of the delegation, the maximum nominal amount of the capital increase, the issue price, ability to limit the increase to the amount of subscriptions

Twenty-seventh resolution: Delegation of authority granting the Board of Directors powers to increase the number of shares to be issued, when a share issue is carried out, with or without preferential subscription rights, under the twenty-fourth through twenty-sixth resolutions, up to a maximum of 15% of the initial issue Twenty-eighth resolution: Delegation of authority granting the Board of Directors powers to issue, with cancelation of preferential subscription rights, ordinary shares and/or equity securities giving access to other equity securities or granting entitlement to the allocation of debt securities and/or investment securities giving access to equity securities to be issued by the Company, as consideration for contributions in kind consisting of equity securities or investment securities giving access to the share capital, the duration of the delegation, the maximum nominal amount of the capital increase Twenty-ninth resolution: Delegation of authority granting the Board of Directors powers to issue, with cancelation of preferential subscription rights, ordinary shares and/or equity securities giving access to other equity securities or granting entitlement to the allocation of debt securities and/or investment securities giving access to equity securities to be issued by the Company, as consideration for equity securities or investment securities giving access to the share capital contributed as part of a public exchange offer initiated by the Company, the duration of the delegation, the maximum nominal amount of the capital increase Thirtieth resolution: Delegation of authority granting the Board of Directors powers to increase the share capital by issuing ordinary shares and/or investment securities giving access to Company shares with cancelation of preferential subscription rights, reserved for members of a company savings plan pursuant to Articles L. 3332-18 et seq. of the French Labor Code, the duration of the delegation, the maximum nominal amount of the capital increase, the issue price, option to grant free shares in application of Article L. 3332-21 of the French Labor Code Thirty-first resolution: Delegation of authority granting the Board of Directors powers to reconcile the Company bylaws with legal and regulatory provisions Thirty-second: Ratification of the amendments carried out by the Board of Directors to reconcile the Company bylaws with legal and regulatory provisions Thirty-third: Powers for formalities

To facilitate the signing of the General Meeting’s attendance sheet, please arrive in good time, with an identity document or your admission card or certificate of attendance (see “How to attend and vote at the General Meeting”). You can obtain the complete universal registration document for financial year 2021: either on the Internet (; j or by posting the attached “Request for documents and information” or by telephoning the Shareholders Service 0 800 777 889 (service j & calls are free of charge in France)


PLASTIC OMNIUM Notice of meeting 2022

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