Notice of meeting 21-22

Request for documents or further information

We inform you that the documents concerning the Annual General Meeting of 10 November 2022 are available on the Company's website. You can access them by scanning the opposite QR Code:

Request should be sent:

If you hold REGISTERED shares, to the centralising bank appointed to act on behalf of the Company, using the enclosed pre-paid envelope; If you hold BEARER shares, to the financial intermediary who holds your bearer share account, who will forward the voting form, together with the pre-prepared certificate of shareholding.

I the undersigned, ‰ Mr ‰ Mrs (tick the box) Surname (or Company name): Frist name: Address: Email address: Holder of

registered shares


bearer shares,

of PERNOD RICARD requests documents and information concerning the Ordinary General Meeting of 10 November 2022* as listed in article R. 225-83 of the French Commercial Code

Signed in:

, on:



Under article R. 225-88 paragraph 3 of the French Commercial Code, shareholders holding registered shares may, upon simple request, obtain documents and * information from the Company, as listed in articles R. 225-81 and R. 225-83 of the French Commercial Code, at each subsequent Shareholders’ Meeting. Shareholders wishing to take up this option should use this form.


Pernod Ricard Notice of meeting 2022

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