Notice of meeting 21-22

Message from Alexandre Ricard Chairman & CEO of Pernod Ricard

“Our greatest assets are our people.”

There’s somethingmagical about spending time with the people we care about. Simple, authenticmoments of sharing, laughing and connecting. The pleasure of raising a glass together and toasting to newmemories. Now, more than ever, we understand just how important thesemoments are. We knowwhat it feels like to be without them. I strongly believe that if there is one positive outcome from the Covid-19 years it is that we have rediscovered the importance of filling our lives with real human connection for our own health and well-being. For five decades now Pernod Ricard has been championing this universal need. As “Créateurs de convivialité,” thesemoments of collective camaraderie are at the very heart of what we do. Convivialité transcends our differences – be they physical, cultural, ethnic

or generational – and is open to everyone. This is our company vision, our purpose, our drive, and it’s what sets us apart from the rest.

of human connection by bringing Good Times froma Good Place inmeaningful, positive and responsible ways. This is our North Star, our guiding light, and I don’t ever want us to lose sight of it.

Staying true to our culture and shared values

Our teams have once again shown that our greatest assets are our people who, together, year on year, continue to go the extramile in delivering sustainable growth with tangible, positive impact. I’m immensely proud and fortunate to be able to call themmy colleagues. Our purpose as a Group is to domore than just sell the finest wines and spirits. As true convivialists, we aremoved by a common purpose to transformeverymoment, every coming together, into ameaningful and convivial experience. We unlock themagic

An exciting transformational journey

Our transformational journey started back in 2015, when we focused on our collective mindset to grow our business. With the launch of Transform & Accelerate in 2018, we concentrated on enhancing our profitable growth with an emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness. Our convivial culture is now complemented by a heightened performance-driven focus built on our five cultural imperatives of Health, Safety & Wellbeing, Sustainability &


Pernod Ricard Notice of meeting 2022

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