Notice of meeting 21-22

The Group in FY22



€ million

Decrease/(increase) in working capital requirements


(252) (846)

Net interests and tax payments

(686) (370)

Net acquisitions of non-financial assets and others


Free cash flow



Of which recurring Free Cash Flow


1,926 (723)

Net acquisitions of financial assets and activities and other


Change in scope of consolidation


(0) (0)

Capital increase and other changes in shareholders’ equity


Dividends and interim dividends paid (Acquisition)/disposal of treasury shares


(826) (813)


Sub-total dividends, purchase of treasury shares and other



Decrease/(increase) in debt (before foreign exchange impact)



Effect of exchange rate changes Non-cash effect on lease debt

265 (81)



Decrease/(increase) in debt (after foreign exchange impact)



Net debt at beginning of period

(8,424) (7,452)

(7,452) (8,657)

Net debt at end of period

Outlook 7.4 In a context that remains volatile, we start the new tax year with very healthy inventory levels in all regions and, in FY23, we expect: dynamic and diversified net sales growth, on a basis of comparison that is stabilising, and with a good start in the first quarter; strong prioritisation of revenue growth management initiatives and operational efficiencies in a highly inflationary environment; a ratio of advertising and promotion expenses to net sales of around 16%, with an optimised return on investment; to IFRS measures Pernod Ricard’s management process is based on the following non-IFRS measures which are chosen for planning and reporting. The Group’s management believes these measures provide valuable additional information for users of the financial statements in understanding the Group’s performance. These non-IFRS measures should be considered as complementary to the comparable IFRS measures and reported movements therein. 7.5

the continuation of our investments in structure costs, in particular to support the rollout of the Conviviality Platform; an increase in CAPEX, with a ratio of approximately 7% of net sales, and an increase in strategic inventories to support future growth; a share buyback programme for FY23 of between €500 million and €750 million will be carried out, in line with the priorities defined in our financial policy; a significant favourable foreign exchange impact expected for FY23, based on a USD/EUR rate of 1.00 (spot rate as of 22 August 2022).

Definitions and reconciliation of non-IFRS measures

Organic growth 7.5.1 Organic growth is calculated after excluding the impacts of exchange rate movements, acquisitions and disposals and changes in applicable accounting principles. Exchange rates impact is calculated by translating the current year results at the prior year’s exchange rates. For acquisitions in the current year, the post-acquisition results are excluded from the organic movement calculations. For acquisitions in the prior year, post-acquisition results are included in the prior year but are included in the organic movement calculation from the anniversary of the acquisition date in the current year.


Pernod Ricard Notice of meeting 2022

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