Notice of meeting 21-22

5. Presentation of the compensation of the Executive Director

FY22 items of compensation of the Executive Director ( ex-post )

Gross Fixed Compensation


Variable Compensation

€2,250,000: 180% of fixed compensation (target 110% and max 180%)

Stock-options and Performance-based shares Supplementary pension scheme

6,771 performance-based shares with internal performance condition (3 years) 4,763 performance-based shares with external performance condition (3 years) Grant of performance-based shares: 1,166 shares with internal performance condition and 820 shares with external performance condition Payment of €323,000 (gross)

Other benefits

Company Car/Collective healthcare and welfare schemes

Overview of the Executive Director compensation over the last exercises ( in millions euros )

Change in the compensation of the Executive Director in line with the Group’s strategy











● Fixed and variable compensation, supplementary pension and long-term incentive plans granted during the financial year in €M Profit from recurring operations in €M Share price on 5 September after financial communication – Opening price in €












Pernod Ricard Notice of meeting 2022

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