Management of end-of-life products: re-use, recycling and recovery DPEF.16 Re-use and refurbishment of parts The Group participates in the circular economy by offering a standard exchange programme (refurbished high-value parts and subassemblies), as well as second-hand spare parts (parts recovered from end-of-life vehicles). It has also introduced a new “repair & return” service. These programmes are described in greater detail in the CSR Report which is available on the Group’s website. Recycling of end-of-life vehicles (ELV) Downstream, the Group has been involved in collecting and processing ELVs from its dealership networks for almost 30 years, through partnerships with vehicle demolition and shredding companies. Demolition companies are in charge of depolluting and partially or entirely dismantling end-of-life vehicles, while shredding companies extract then process scrap aluminium, copper and other important materials for sale in the international marketplace. Apart from metals and plastics, Groupe PSA aims to recover a wider range of materials. This supplies two sectors of business activity: In France , the Group relies on industrial partnerships that are technically and economically efficient. These ensure full traceability of ELVs and guarantee the achievement of the overall recovery rate. The Group’s partners work with networks of certified demolition companies (331 ELV Centres at year-end 2017) that collect end-of-life vehicles, deregister and decontaminate them, and then dismantle them to resell certain parts for reuse. Between 2009 and 2017, this strategy led to the collection and processing of more than 838,000 ELVs, sold through the Peugeot and Citroën networks, 49% of which were Group brand ELVs. The Group’s performance in France in overall recovery of ELVs collected through its network is compliant with European regulations and better than the national average: Group performance in 2015 = 95.5%, of which 88.1% reused or recycled (1) . As previously reported, the most recent ADEME data (2015) at the national level reports overall performance in reuse, recycling and recovery to be 95.0% (of which 87.5% recycling and reuse). Groupe PSA made a major contribution to the drafting of a cross-manufacturer action plan for the re-absorption of historic stocks of ELVs, estimated at 60,000 vehicles in May 2015, in the French overseas territories in which the French Environmental Code applies (Guadeloupe, St Martin, Martinique, French Guiana, La Réunion, Mayotte). The plan, which responds to the health and environmental issue posed by vehicles abandoned by their last owner, will be followed up in 2018 by the signing of an inter-manufacturer framework agreement with a financial commitment for each brand. Groupe PSA aims to launch this Plan in Martinique and Guadeloupe at the start of 2018 and it will be implemented by the local automotive waste treatment associations (TDA Martinque and TDA Guadeloupe). recovery and recycling of materials; „ recovery and recycling of energy. „

In advance of the premium conversion that will be introduced by the Department of ecological transition and solidarity in 2018, in October 2017, Peugeot France and Citroën France launched a programme to scrap diesel vehicles older than 16 years and petrol vehicles older than 20 years when buying a new or second-hand vehicle. These end-of-life vehicles will be treated in accordance with Groupe PSA’s procedures to ensure 100% traceability and environmental performance exceeding 95%. On the European markets, the Group takes part in ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association)-defined action plans. By way of example, in 2017, a demolition company certification process designed in Italy in partnership with UNRAE (National Union of Foreign Carmakers in Italy) and the Italian Ministry of the Environment optimised the network of dismantlers working with the brands; in Great Britain, financial incentives have been introduced by Groupe PSA’s subsidiary for the scrapping of petrol or diesel vehicles that are older than seven years. In China , the Group is contributing to public debate by raising the awareness of legislators within the context of future end-of-life vehicle regulations. A draft directive on the operational requirements for the disposal of ELVs is in the process of being drafted. In Russia , since 2012, the Group has met the regulatory obligations introduced by the administration which requires an eco-contribution to fund the national ELV disposal network. Battery and tyre recycling In accordance with Directive 2006/66/EC, the Group has introduced procedures for the collection and treatment of batteries from its hybrid and electric vehicles sold in Europe. Groupe PSA has a contract for the entire European market with a single, efficient partner, whose recycling rates in 2016 reached 67.8% for electric vehicle Li-ion batteries and 84% for hybrid vehicle Ni-MH batteries. These rates are much higher than the regulatory thresholds of 50% materials recycling. This agreement concerns all of the Group’s dealership networks and manufacturing plants, for all powertrain battery technologies across all European marketing areas. Groupe PSA is also involved in studies of technical opportunities to recover residual battery capacity, when their performance is not compatible with the initial automotive usage. This second life in which they are used to store energy, for example stationary, will delay the recycling date by several years. By reconditioning them so that they can be efficiently connected to the grid, the prospect of using these batteries as buffer storage covers part of the electricity storage requirement as a result of the increasing diffusion of renewable energy sources which are, by their nature, intermittent. In France, based on the principle of greater manufacturer responsibility, the Group’s brands introduced collection and treatment procedures for tyres stored at approved ELV centres. The Group is also supporting one of its partners in a new method of tyre material recovery: vapothermolysis. Groupe PSA participated in the action launched by the Recyvalor association which, over eight years, has collected and recovered more than 80,000 tonnes of abandoned tyres distributed over around 60 illegal dumps throughout France. Since then, the management of end-of-life tyres is regulated and controlled and stock is not allowed to build up.

Since ADEME has not released official statements for the end of 2017 concerning ELV operators in France, the Group is not yet able to (1) determine its performance for 2016.



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