PSA - 2019 Universal Registration Document

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Management and supervisory bodies


Member of the Managing Board of Peugeot S.A. Executive Vice-President, Programmes and Strategy Other directorships and positions as of 31 December 2019: Chairman of the Board ofDirectors,BanquePSAFinance S.A. Member of the Supervisory Board, Dongfeng Peugeot Citroën Automobiles Sales Company Ltd. Director ofDongfeng Peugeot Citroën Automobiles Company Ltd.

Listed company

Group Company

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Director ofPCMA Holding B.V.

Member of the Supervisory Board, PSA (Wuhan) Management Company Co. Ltd.

French national Born 24 December 1966 Business address: Groupe PSA – Route de Gisy 78140 Velizy Villacoublay, France First appointed to theManaging Board: 1 March 2019 Currentterm expires: 2021 (4-year term)

Other directorships and positions in the past fiveyears: Director ofAutomobiles Peugeot S.A. > Managerof DJ 56 S.N.C. >

Permanent Representative of Peugeot S.A. on the Board of Directorsof AutomobilesCitroën S.A. > Permanent Representative of Peugeot S.A. on the Supervisory Board of BanquePSAFinance S.A. > Director and Chairman of theAudit Committee of PeugeotCitroën Automóviles España S.A. > Director of Iran Khodro Automobiles Peugeot Co. Ltd. > Chairman of the Board ofDirectors,SAIPACitroënCompany Co. Ltd > Member of the Supervisory Board ofOpel Automobiles GmbH > Permanent Representative of Automobiles Peugeot S.A. on the Supervisory Board of F otball Club >

Sochaux Montbéliard S.A. Director ofCREDIPAR S.A. > Member of the Supervisory Board ofGEFCO S.A. > Director ofAlstom S.A. > Relevant expertise andprofessional experience:

OlivierBOURGESgraduatedfromSciencesPo Paris and the ÉcoleNationaled’Administration and joined Groupe PSA in 2014. He was appointedGeneralSecretaryof Groupe PSAand was responsiblefor BPF (BanquePSAFinance)withinGroupe PSA’sExecutiveCommittee.On 1 February2018,he took chargeof Programmes and Strategy. He continues to manage the two joint venturesfinancing the Group’s sales. He beganhis careerat the Ministryof Economyand Finance,in the TreasuryDepartment,wherehe held the positionsof DeputyHeadof the BankingOffice,AlternateDirectorrepresentingFranceat the World Bank and then Chief of the Housing Finance Office. Subsequently, in 2000, he joined Renaultas Directorof InvestorRelations,where he then held several operationalpositions, includingwithinNissan.He returnedto theMinistryof EconomyandFinancein 2009 as DeputyDirectorGeneralin the StateInvestmentAgencythenas DeputyDirectorGeneralin the Public Finance Department. At its meetingon 25 February2019, the SupervisoryBoard appointedhim to the ManagingBoard of Peugeot S.A. His term willtake effecton 1 March 2019. Number of Peugeot S.A. securities owned as of 31 December 2019: 55,000 shares. Number of units in the Groupe PSA Employee Stock Ownership Fund as of 31 December 2019: 1,758 units.

In accordancewith the recommendationset out in paragraph 18of the AFEP-MEDEFCorporateGovernanceCode, ManagingBoard memberssystematicallyconsultthe SupervisoryBoardbeforeagreeingto becomea corporateofficerof any listed companyoutsidethe Group.



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