PSA - 2019 Universal Registration Document

DECLARATION ON EXTRA-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Report by the independent third party, on the consolidated non-financial statement

CONCLUSION Basedon the proceduresperformed,nothinghas come to our attentionthat causesus to believethat the non-financialstatementis not presentedin accordancewith the applicableregulatoryrequirementsand that the Information,takenas a whole,is not presentedfairly in accordance with the Guidelines, in all material respects.

2. Reasonable assurance on a selection of non-financial information

NATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK Regardingthe informationselected (1) by theCompany,we undertookworkof the samenatureas thosedescribedin the part 1abovefor the non-financial information considered the mostimportant,but in a more in-depthmanner,in particularin relationto the number of tests. The sampleselected (2) represents between 38% and56%of quantitative informationselected. We consider thathis work allows us to expressa reasonable assurance opinion on the information selected bycompany.


In our opinion,the information selected by theCompanyhas been established, in all material aspects, in compliance with the Guidelines.

Neuilly-sur-Seine, 26 February 2020

Original French report signed by: Independent hird-partybody GrantThornton Frenchmemberde GrantThornton International

VincentFrambourt Partner

Tristan Mourre Director

Environmental quantitative information: water use; overall energy consumption; scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions (GHG); VOC (1) emissions from paint shop facilities; total weight of waste by type (non-hazardous waste and hazardous waste). Social quantitative information: number of employees under permanent or fixed-term contract; total management lost-time accident frequency rate (TF1 Management); severity rate. Qualitative information: supplier self-assessment results; number of suppliers evaluated by an external body (ECOVADIS); CSR supplier performance evaluated by an external body (ECOVADIS). For social and environmental information related to production site: Douvrin; Kaiserslautern; Luton IBC; Porto Real; Rennes; Rüsselsheim; (2) Sochaux; Trnava; Vesoul. For environmental information related to retail: NL Saarbrücken - Güdingen; NL Wiesbaden; Peugeot SCA SIAN Lille Villeneuve d’Ascq; Peugeot SAC SIAN Lille Roncq; SCDPR Lille Seclin.



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