PSA - 2019 Universal Registration Document


The communicatingconnectedcar The communicatingconnected car marks the transition from a closed-off vehicle to a more open vehicle, with mobile devices connectedto the cloud.With this development,the car enters the realm of the Internet of Things (IoT). The technologicalbuilding blocks developedby Groupe PSAwill give rise to new connected servicesthat will radically transform how people usecars. To do this, theGroupis: teaming up with software developmentcompanies to create n opensource,scalabletelematicsplatforms.Theseplatformsmake it possibleto quicklyand seamlesslyincorporateservicessuchas IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment), SmartAntenna, etc.; adding cutting-edgesolutionsthat offer secure, comprehensive, n cost-effective and high value-added connectivity that is compatiblewiththe developmentcyclesof consumerelectronics, such asSmartDeviceLink and CarEasy Apps; workingwith the GAFAM/BATdigital giants, such as Banma in n China, toexplore personal assistant solutions; involved in collaborativeprojects including 5GCAR, Autopilot, n Concorda and Scoop, and is joining alliances and consortia including5GAA and TIAA to speed up the introductionof new telecommunication and infrastructure technologies (5G, G5, etc.). Groupe PSA introducedthe communicating cars in 2003with eCall, its emergencycall service,and since 2010 it has been fitting all its models with an autonomous telematics box unit, particularly in Europe. More thanthree millionvehiclesarenow connected. In 2019, in keepingwith the SCOOP @ Fprogramme,Groupe PSA participated in the C-ROADS project to roll out cooperative intelligenttransportsystems.Car manufacturers, infrastructureand mobilitymanagers,universitiesand research institutes,and safety experts are working together on experiments on sections of motorway, with eight member states involvedin the undertaking. Groupe PSAis a pioneer in the developmentof V2X technology, where V means vehicle and X refers to infrastructure,vehicles, pedestrians, etc.).Road tests and publicdemonstrationshave been carriedout sinceearly2018to assessthe advancedperformancesof this technology in order to improve road safety and traffic management. To improve the implementation and interoperability of new connectivity technologies, Groupe PSA has buttressed its joint arrangements with digital technology and telecommunications players. It is an active member of the 5G AutomotiveAlliance (5GAA),and contributesto severalEuropeanundertakings:5GCAR (5G Communication Automotive Research and Innovation), 5GCroCo (5G Cross Border Control) and Concorda (Connected Corridor).

These technologicalchoices, which were made in anticipationof regulations, helped Groupe PSA become one of the few car manufacturers to havecertifiedits entirerangewith the newWLTP protocol, which is more representative of real-world fuel consumption.This was completedon 1 September2018. In 2019, all Peugeot, Citroën, DS, Opel and Vauxhall passenger cars were certifiedaccordingto the new EURO6d-TEMP-EVAP-ISC emission standard before it entered into force on 1 September 2019. In addition,since 2015 Groupe PSAhas been committedto being transparentwith customerson its vehicles’consumptionand actual emissions.It has partneredwith the NGOsTransport& Environment (T&E) and France Nature Environnement(FNE) and the Bureau Veritas certification agency to outline a reliable protocol for measuring consumption and pollutant emissions (No x and particulates) for real-worldfuel consumption.This initiative,a first in the automotiveworld,won the ECOBEST 2018award. Optimisation of thevehicleand its use In additionto workdoneon powertrains,Groupe PSA is workingon all fronts to reduce its vehicles’ consumptionand in turn its CO 2 footprint: mass : market leader in terms of average vehicle weight, n Groupe PSAhas madethe optimisationof massa centralfeature of vehicledesign.Thus,the relationshipof weightto total size to benefits,which is optimisedin every sense,has producedrecent modelsthat are lighterthan the previousones,achievinga 100kg reductionfor the Peugeot 3008 and a 70kg reductionfor the Peugeot 508, both developedon EMP2. Thanks to the CMP’s reducedweight,its CO 2 emissionshave declinedby as much as 1.2g/km; overall energy efficiency by optimising aerodynamics, tyre n rolling resistance, mechanical friction losses (brakes, bearings, rings, etc.)and powerconsumption(engines,equipmentsuch as air conditioning, etc.); the Groupalso offers driverassistance that allowsdriversto use n their car more ecologically. INTELLIGENT CARS:AUTONOMOUS AND CONNECTED The autonomous,connected cars of tomorrowwill promote the emergenceof new models of transportand mobilitywhile saving customers time andenergy.



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