PSA - 2019 Universal Registration Document

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Management and supervisory bodies

Disclosures on the situation of members of the Supervisory 3.1.4. Board and Managing Board


SERVICE CONTRACTSPROVIDING FOR BENEFITS UPON TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Noneof the membersof the SupervisoryBoardor ManagingBoard have service contractswith Peugeot S.A.or any of its subsidiaries providing forbenefitsupontermination of employment. STATEMENTS BY THE MEMBERS OF THE SUPERVISORYBOARD AND MANAGING BOARD All corporateofficers have declared, as they do every year, that none ofthemhasbeen: convicted of any fraudulent offence in the lastfive years; n been a corporateofficer of a companythat has been declared n bankrupt,or placed in liquidationor receivershipin the last five years; the subjectof anyofficialpublicincriminationand/orsanctionsby n statutory orregulatoryauthorities; disqualified by a court from acting as a member of the n administrative,managementor supervisorybodiesof an issueror from acting in the managementor conductof the affairs of any issuer inthe lastfive years.

Mrs Marie-Hélène PEUGEOTRONCORONI,Mr RobertPEUGEOTand Mr FrédéricBANZETare cousins. There are no family ties among the otherSupervisory Board or ManagingBoard members. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The Companyofficers have declared that no conflicts of interest arose during the 2019 financial year between their obligationsto Peugeot S.A.and their personalinterestsor other obligations,and that none existed at the date of this Universal Registration Document. On 25 February2020, the SupervisoryBoard reviewed possible business relationshipsbetween corporateofficers and the Group. On the recommendationof the Appointments,Compensationand Governance Committee, the Supervisory Board concluded that these businessrelationshipswere not material (for further details, please referto Section No loans or guarantees have been granted to or on behalf of Company officers by the Companyor any Groupentities. No assetsrequiredfor the operationof the businessare ownedby any membersof the SupervisoryBoardor ManagingBoardor their families. This sectionwill give you furtherdetailson the rules for preventing conflictsof interest,as laid down in the SupervisoryBoard Internal Rules.

Trading in the Company’s securities by corporate directors 3.1.5. and officers and their close relatives

In accordancewith Article L. 621-18-2of the FrenchMonetaryand FinancialCode, the ExecutiveManagersand the physicalpersonsand legal entities that are closely related to themarerequired todisclosetrading intheCompany’s securities during the financial year.

Amount of transaction

Date of transaction

Name and position Type of transaction Securities affected

Unit price

Maxime PICAT Member of the Managing Board



Free shares





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