PSA - 2019 Universal Registration Document

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Management and supervisory bodies


Representative of employee shareholders on the Supervisory Board of Peugeot S.A. Member of the Finance and Audit Committee Member of the Appointments, Compensation and Governance Committee

Listed company

Group Company

Other directorships and positions as of 31 December 2019: Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board ofthe Groupe PSA Employee Stock OwnershipFund Chairwoman of the Diversity Commission at Peugeot S.A.’s Vélizy Technical Centre Vice-Chairwoman for Qualityin theR&D Department responsible for Peugeot S.A. connected vehicles

French national Born 19 January 1961 Business address: Groupe PSA, Centre Technique de Vélizy, Route de Gisy, ParcInovelSud, 78943 Vélizy-Villacoublay Cedex,France First elected to the Supervisory Board: 10 May 2017 Currentterm expires: 2021 (4-year term)

Director ofAssociationAvenir Dysphasie France(AAD – a non-profit-making association fordysphasia sufferers) Other directorships and positions in the past fiveyears: Group System Quality Manager in the QualityDepartment of Peugeot S.A. > Audit Manager in the QualityDepartment of Peugeot S.A. > Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board ofthe SECURE corporate mutual fund of Peugeot S.A. > Relevant expertise andprofessional experience: BénédicteJUYAUXis an engineerwitha degreein MechanicalEngineering fromtheCompiègneUniversity of Technology.She beganher careerat SaintGobainVitrageas an engineer,movingon thereto become QualityManagerat threedifferentproductionsites(floatglassandvehiclewindows),whereshedeveloped the first quality-assurance methods.Afterthreeyears’expatriation in the UnitedStates(at Charlottesville, Virginia),she joined Groupe PSAin January 2000to continueher career in researchand development quality.Amongothers,she servedas a managerin cross-functionalQualityentities(methods,audit,Lean Management,quality managementsystem, etc.)and programmequality manager (Citroën C3 II and DS3 projects). She is currently Vice-Chairwoman for quality at Groupe PSA. Alongsidethis, she has been involvedin trade-unionactivitysince the 1990s, notablywith initiativesto promotegenderequality,diversityandemployeeshareholding at Groupe PSA.Shehas alsocontributed to the activitiesof the PSAFoundationthroughmentorship,and sponsorshipof the handicapped (winninga major sponsorshipaward in 2013). She is a directorof and activelyinvolvedin the Association Dysphasie (AAD) non-profit, inchargeof young people’s activities and employment.


Number of Peugeot S.A. securities owned as of 31 December 2019: None. Number of units in the Groupe PSA Employee corporate mutualfunds"

salariés duGroupe PSA" and

“Secure” asof 31 December 2019: 1,047 units.



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