PSA - 2019 Universal Registration Document

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Management and supervisory bodies


Permanent Representative of FFP on the Supervisory Board of Peugeot S.A. Chairman of the Strategic Committee Member of the Finance and Audit Committee

Listed company

Group Company

Other directorships and positions as of 31 December 2019:

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Director ofFaurecia S.A.

Chairman and ChiefExecutiveOfficer ofFFP S.A. Director ofÉtablissements Peugeot Frères Director ofSofina S.A.S.

French national Born 25 April 1950 Business address: FFP, 66, avenue Charles deGaulle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France FFPfirstelectedto the Supervisory Board: 25 April 2014 Dateof lastrenewal of FFP to the Supervisory Board: 24 April2018 Currentterm expires: 2022(4-yearterm)

Director ofTikehauCapitalAdvisors* Managing Director of S.A.R.L. CHPGestion Managing Director of SC RODOM Permanent Representative of FFP, Chairman of FFPInvest Permanent Representative of FFPInvest,Chairmanand member of the Supervisory Board of Financière Guiraud S.A.S.* Permanent Representative of Maillot I on the Board ofDirectorsof SICAV Armene 2 Permanent Representative of F&Pon the Board of Directorsof Safran S.A.*

Member of the Supervisory Board ofSOPAREXO S.C.A. Member of the Supervisory Board ofACEManagement Member of the Supervisory Board ofSigna Prime Chairman ofF&P S.A.S. Director ofFFPInvestmentUK Ltd. Other directorships and positions in the past fiveyears: Permanent Representative of FFPInvest on the Supervisory Board of IDIEmerging Markets S.A.* > Director ofSanef* > Permanent Representative of FFPInvest on the Supervisory Board of Z diac Aerospace* > Director ofHolding Reinier S.A.S. > Director of Imerys > Permanent Representative of FFPInvest on the Board of Directorsof Sanef S.A.* > Member of the Supervisory Board ofIDIEMERGINGMARKETS S.A. > Member of the Supervisory Board ofPeugeot S.A. > Member of the Supervisory Board ofHermes International SCA > Director ofDKSH AG* > Permanent Representative of Maillot I on the Board ofDirectorsof SICAVArmene > Relevant expertise andprofessional experience: After graduatingfrom École Centralede Paris and INSEAD,Robert PEUGEOTheld various executive positionswithin Groupe PSA.From 1998 to 2007, he was Vice-President, Innovation& Quality, and a memberof theGroup’sExecutiveCommittee.Since2003,he hasbeenChairmanandManagingDirectorof FFP. He is a Knight of the FrenchNational Order of Merit and a Knight of the FrenchLegion ofHonour. Number of Peugeot S.A. securities owned by Robert PEUGEOT as of 31 December 2019: 1, 00 shares. Number of Peugeot S.A. securities owned by FFP as of 31 December 2019: 84,323,161 shares.

Corporate office held within FFP. *



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