PERNOD RICARD - Universal Registration Document 2019-2020

3. SUSTAINABILITY & RESPONSIBILITY The main sustainaibility risks and opportunities

The main sustainaibility risks and opportunities 3.2 In line with Directive 2014/95/EU on non-financial reporting as transposed into French law (article R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code), Pernod Ricard is required to publish a “Non-Financial Statement”. This Statement requires the Group to publish its business model and information on key non-financial risks. These include risks relating to the environment, employment, society, Human Rights, tax evasion [pursuant to Act no. 2018-898 on combatting fraud] and corruption. For more information on Pernod Ricard’s business model, please refer to Section 1 “Extracts from the integrated annual report” and for more information on the Group’s key non-financial risks please see subsections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 below. Presentation of the methodology 3.2.1 Pernod Ricard adopted the following methodology:

these sustainability risks were the subject of further analysis and — development through research and internal and external stakeholder expectations and engagement when developing the 2030 Sustainability & Responsibility strategy (see subsection “Addressing stakeholder expectations across the entire business, from grain to glass”); led by the Sustainability & Responsibility department, other key HQ — experts including operations, legal, HR, public affairs and finance were also involved through a dedicated workshop to reaffirm and, where necessary, redefine the top eight risks and opportunities; the resulting eight non-financial risks and opportunities were — subsequently presented to and signed off on by the Executive Board.

last year, the Group’s risk mapping served as reference point when — identifying the main non-financial risks for the “Non-Financial Statement”. Every three years, the main risks facing Pernod Ricard are mapped by affiliate and function and then consolidated at HQ level by the Group’s Risk Mdepartment. Updated in 2018, the Group’s risk mapping presents and classifies the risks according to their potential impact and occurrence across the Group’s activities. Some of these risks are specific to sustainability issues. The Group’s major risks and the process for identifying them are discussed in Section 4 of this document;

The eight risks and opportunities identified 3.2.2 The definitions of the eight main risks and opportunities can be found in the table below. Targets, policies, due diligence procedures, and key performance indicators are presented in detail in subsections 3.3 “The four pillars of the Good Times from a Good Place Roadmap” and 3.4 “Ethics and compliance”. In the interest of transparency, other indicators have been presented alongside the policies applied, depending on the issues addressed.

Given the nature of our activities, we consider that the “tax evasion” referred to in article L. 225-102-1 of French Commercial Code does not constitute a major non-financial risk for the Group. It was therefore not felt necessary to explore it in this “Non-Financial Statement”. Nevertheless, “tax evasion” is discussed in Subsection “Tax policy”.


Pernod Ricard Universal Registration Document 2019-2020

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