2. Corporate governance Compensation report

Compensation as Chairman of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors and the Compensation Committee strive to strengthen the link between performance and compensation and to integrate a corporate social responsibility criterion. More specifically, this variable portion is based on performance levels applying to financial and non-financial parameters, representative of expected overall performance. This variable portion is expressed as a percentage of the fixed annual portion. It may vary between 0% and 110% if the quantitative and qualitative objectives are achieved (target level) and may rise to a maximum of 180% if the Group records exceptional financial and non-financial performance in relation to the objectives.

The Executive Director does not receive compensation for offices he or she holds in the Company or in Group companies. Variable annual portion The purpose of variable annual compensation is to compensate the performance achieved during the financial year by the Executive Director in terms of the annual performance objectives set by the Board of Directors in accordance with the corporate strategy. Pursuant to the provisions of article L. 22-10-34 of the French Commercial Code, the payment of variable annual compensation is conditional upon its prior approval by the Ordinary General Meeting (“ex-post” vote).

Performance criteria The criteria are reviewed regularly to ensure they are in line with the Company long-term strategy and may be modified on an occasional basis. For FY23, the Board of Directors, on the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, proposed that the following criteria be reapplied:

Quantitative criteria : target 80% and max 150%

Achievement of budgeted profit from recurring operations , restated for exchange rate and scope effects. This criterion, intended to provide an incentive to exceed the target for profit from recurring operations, is one of the key elements of the Group’s decentralised structure. This concept of commitment to the budgeted profit from recurring operations helps to bring together all of the structures, which are rewarded according to the extent to which they meet their own targets for profit from recurring operations. This criterion rewards the management performance of the Executive Director Achievement of budgeted Group share of net profit from recurring operations , restated for exchange rate and scope effects. This criterion takes into account all of the Group’s financial data that fall under the Executive Director’s responsibility for the financial year and thus makes it possible for his compensation to be aligned with that of the shareholders Achievement of budgeted recurring free cash flow , restated for exchange rate and scope effects. This criterion measures the Group’s financial performance and value creation Rate of cash conversion for profit from recurring operations , restated for exchange rate and scope effects. The inclusion of this criterion in the calculation of the variable portion of the Executive Director’s compensation is in line with the Group’s strategy in that it rewards good cash management, regardless of the level of achievement of profit from recurring operations The individual performance of the Executive Director is assessed annually by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Compensation Committee. The qualitative criteria assessed are reviewed annually, based on the Group’s strategic priorities, knowing that the Board of Directors will strive to always include a CSR criterion. For confidentiality reasons regarding the Group’s strategy, details of qualitative objectives may only be made public after the event and after assessment by the Compensation Committee and the Board of Directors

target 20% and max 37.5%

target 20% and max 37.5%

target 20% and max 37.5%

target 20% and max 37.5%

Qualitative criteria : target 30% and max 45%

target 30% and max 45%


target 110% and max 180%

In any event, variable compensation (quantitative and qualitative criteria) may not exceed 180% of the fixed annual compensation.

Performance levels The performance achievement level shall be communicated, criterion by criterion, once the performance assessment has been prepared.

Termination of office If the Executive Director leaves during the financial year, the amount of the variable portion of their compensation for the current year will be determined pro rata to attendance time for the year in question, depending on the performance level observed and assessed by the Board of Directors for each of the criteria initially adopted. However, it should be noted that no compensation shall be paid if the Executive Director is dismissed for gross negligence or with good cause or on decision of the Board of Directors.


Pernod Ricard Universal Registration Document 2021-2022

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