Corporate governance Composition of the Board of Directors

2.5.8 Conflicts of interest

Declaration of Directors

Absence of conviction for fraud, association with bankruptcy or any offence and/or official public sanction To Pernod Ricard’s knowledge and at the date hereof: no conviction for fraud has been issued against any members of the Company’s Board of Directors or Senior Management over the last five years; none of the members of the Board of Directors or Senior Management has been associated, over the last five years, with any bankruptcy, compulsory administration or liquidation as a member of a Board of Directors, Management Board or Supervisory Board or as a Chief Executive Officer; no conviction and/or official public sanction has been issued over the last five years against any members of the Company’s Board of Directors or Senior Management by statutory or regulatory authorities (including designated professional organisations); and no Director or member of the Senior Management has, over the last five years, been prohibited by a court of law from serving as a member of a Board of Directors, a Management Board or Supervisory Board or from being involved in the management or the running of an issuer’s business affairs. Services agreements No member of the Board of Directors or member of the Senior Management has any service agreement with Pernod Ricard or any of its affiliates. Employee representatives The appointment of a Director or Directors representing the employees on the Board of Directors was introduced at the end of 2013. As a result, the representation of Pernod Ricard SA employees on the Board of Directors is now ensured by a single person. This is currently Mr Hervé Jouanno.

To the Company’s knowledge and at the date hereof, there are no potential conflicts of interest between the duties of any of the members of the Company’s Board of Directors or Senior Management with regard to the Company in their capacity as Corporate Officer and their private interests or other duties. To the Company’s knowledge and at the date hereof, there are no arrangements or agreements established with the main shareholders, clients, suppliers, bankers or consultants, relating to the appointment of one of the members of the Board of Directors or Senior Management. To the Company’s knowledge and at the date hereof, except as described in “Shareholders’ agreements” below, the members of the Board of Directors and Senior Management have not agreed to any restrictions concerning the disposal of their stake in the share capital of the Company, other than those included in the Internal Regulations (1) and the Code of Ethics. In accordance with the Board’s Internal Regulations (1) and in order to prevent any risk of conflict of interest, each member of the Board of Directors is required to declare to the Board of Directors, as soon as he/she becomes aware of such fact, any situation in which a conflict of interest arises or could arise between the Company’s corporate interest and his/her direct or indirect personal interest, or the interests of a shareholder or group of shareholders which he/she represents. Procedure to identify regulated agreements In accordance with article L. 22-10-12 of the French Commercial Code, the Board of Directors’ meeting of 28 August 2019 approved an Internal Charter relating to the identification of regulated agreements (the “Charter”) (2) . It is specified that this Charter formalises the process implemented to identify regulated agreements and that such process is followed prior to concluding, amending, renewing or terminating any agreements which would potentially be qualified as regulated, it being specified that the process applies to agreements considered as On 8 February 2006, Pernod Ricard was notified that a shareholder agreement had been signed between Mr Rafaël Gonzalez-Gallarza and Société Paul Ricard. Pursuant to this agreement, Mr Rafaël Gonzalez-Gallarza undertakes to consult Société Paul Ricard prior to any Pernod Ricard General Meeting of Shareholders in order to vote in the same way. Furthermore, Mr Rafaël Gonzalez-Gallarza undertook to notify Société Paul Ricard of any additional purchase of Pernod Ricard shares and/or voting rights, and also undertook not to purchase any Pernod Ricard shares if such a transaction would force Société Paul Ricard and the parties acting in concert to launch a public offer for Pernod Ricard. Finally, Société Paul Ricard has a pre-emption right with regard to any Pernod Ricard shares of which Mr Rafaël Gonzalez-Gallarza may wish to dispose. “free” at the time of conclusion. Shareholders’ agreements


The Internal Regulations can be consulted on the Company’s website ( They may be reviewed at any time by the Board of Directors. (1) The Charter may be consulted on the Company’s website ( (2)


Pernod Ricard Universal Registration Document 2021-2022

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