PERNOD RICARD - Notice of meeting 2020


MR PAUL-CHARLES RICARD Permanent Representative of Société Paul Ricard (1) , Director OFFICES HELD ON 30 JUNE 2020: Chairman of Le Delos Invest III (Société Paul Ricard) y Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Société Paul Ricard (Mr Paul-Charles Ricard) y

Age: 38 years French citizen Date of first appointment: 09.06.1983 Date of last renewal: 09.11.2017 Date of expiry of term of office: AGM 2021 Number of shares held by Mr Paul-Charles Ricard on 30 June 2020: 182,226 Number of shares held by Société Paul Ricard on 30 June 2020: 28,196,482

Unlisted company, shareholder of Pernod Ricard. (1)


Audit Committee

Independent Director OFFICES HELD ON 30 JUNE 2020:

Manager of Astra Oil Company LLC (AOC) (United States) y Director of Astra Transcor Energy NV (ATE) (Netherlands) y Director of Filux SA (Luxembourg) y Manager of Gosa SSI (Belgium) y Director of Grand Hôpital de Charleroi ASBL (Belgium) y Managing Director of Société des Quatre Chemins SA (Belgium) y Chairman of the Board of Directors of TAGAM AG (Switzerland) y

Age: 70 years Belgian and French citizen Date of first appointment: 06.11.2014 Date of last renewal: 21.11.2018 Date of expiry of term of office: AGM 2022 Number of shares held on 30 June 2020: 1,000

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Transcor Astra Group SA (Belgium) y Chairman of the Board of Directors of Worldwide Energy Ltd AG (Switzerland) y Director of Investor SA (Belgium) y President of Kaleidi ASBL (formerly Maison des Maths et du Numérique) (Belgium) y Chairman of the Board of Directors of COHABS SRL (Belgium) y


Pernod Ricard Notice of Meeting 2020

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