NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Non-financial performance statement

Social, societal and environmental information

These customer satisfaction and loyalty surveys were also extended to all major applications in 2017. In addition, Neopost is conducting a survey of our traditional customers' appetite for digital. On top of the actions carried out at Group level, many initiatives are implemented at local level by distribution entities. Commercial companies regularly communicate with their customers about company news and new offerings by sending emailings or newsletters. Throughout the year, they also organize events to present new products and solutions, and participate in trade fairs, conventions and conferences, which offer several opportunities to talk to their customers.

Customer satisfaction

97.5% and 94% Customers satisfied in 2018 on Mailing and Document systems on Quadient solutions

To support Neopost's digital transformation, two initial surveys on digital applications were conducted and the findings used to improve the Group's products, solutions, and related services.



The group defines a BPY (Breakdown per year) objective for each product line. • The average number of failures reflects the reliability of the products installed at the customers The objectives set depend on the complexity of the product. The target ranges • from 0.09 to 2.4 breakdowns per year on mailing machine and from 0.65 to 6.5 breakdowns per year on folders/inserters. Regarding parcel lockers, the target is 0.7 breakdown per year In 2018, 100% of product lines achieved results in line with defined objectives • Availability rate of Quadient cloud solutions is 99.5% • Availability rate of digital solutions for SME is between 96% (USA) and • 99.83% (France) 97.5% customer satisfaction rate for mailing systems and document systems • (95% in 2017) 94% customer satisfaction rate for Quadient solutions •

Reliability of Mailing and Document System solutions

Availability of digital applications

Customer satisfaction

Acting ethically and responsibly

Trust is the fundamental value of the Group. Neopost expects each of its employees to act with honesty and integrity, and to comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations governing all aspects of the business including research, development, manufacturing, marketing, sales and distribution of products and associated services and solutions. Beyond the regulatory obligations, Neopost has defined the ethical standards that the Group wishes to encourage internally among its employees and, as part of its dialogue with all of its external stakeholders. Designed to promote ethical behavior among our employees and external stakeholders, the Group's Code of ethics sets the framework for its requirements and practices, a framework on which it relies to make its decisions and carry out its activities. It covers the following topics: Human Rights, employees (health & safety at work, diversity, fairness and respect, employee development, open dialogue, and representative bodies), business Ethics (anti-trust laws and fair competition, The Group’s Code of ethics

corruption and bribery, political engagement, communication), business relationships (customers and partners), Group assets and third parties (protection of the Group’s assets, confidential information and data protection, respect for intellectual property rights), citizenship and responsible engagement (environmental protection and societal commitment). Neopost asks every employee in each of its entities, regardless of his or her individual role, function or entity, to follow its Code of ethics when working for or representing Neopost. Neopost expects and encourages its business partners and suppliers to act in a way that is consistent with this code. To facilitate its internal distribution the code has been translated into English (US and British versions), Dutch, German, and Italian. Each Group entity makes it available to its employees on their local Intranet or by distributing them a printed version. It is available on the Group’s new corporate website: -code-of-ethics-and-our-values.



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