NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Corporate governance report

Board of directors

Hélène Boulet-Supau

Hélène Boulet-Supau is 52 years old and a French citizen. Having graduated from ESSEC, she started her career at Arthur Andersen, before joining the Group Pierre et Vacances where she held various positions from 1991 to 2000, including financial director. Hélène Boulet-Supau then worked as a financial consultant, before taking over the reins of Larroque,

Ratification of the co-optation of Hélène Boulet-Supau to the Board of directors was approved by the General Meeting of shareholders on 30 June 2017. Hélène Boulet-Supau’s mandate was renewed at the General Meeting of 29 June 2018 for a three-year term, namely until the General Meeting of 2021.

Other mandates in the Group: none.

Other mandates outside of the Group: director of Sarenza S.A.

a company that designs and distributes womenswear, alongside the designer that founded the company. Since 2007, Hélène Boulet-Supau has been Chief Executive and a shareholder of Sarenza. She was awarded the Veuve Cliquot prize in 2013 for business women with outstanding entrepreneurial spirit and creativity.

Other mandates over the past five years (except those already listed above): member of the Supervisory Board of Sarenza S.A.

Hélène Boulet-Supau holds 850 Neopost shares.

Éric Courteille

Éric Courteille is 51 years old, and a French citizen. He is the Chief Executive Officer of New R SAS and has been Chief Executive Officer of La Redoute SAS since 2 June 2014. Éric Courteille is a graduate of ESCP-EAP and started his career at Arthur Andersen France, as an Auditor, from 1995 to 2000. He then jointly founded the Sporever Group. From 2002

Other mandates over the past five years (except those already listed above): Chief Executive of NEW R SAS; Chairman of Relais Colis SAS; permanent representative of Relais Colis on management Board of Aubaines Magasins SAS; director of La Redoute S.A. (France) and La Redoute Catalogue Benelux (Belgium); Chairman of Redcats International Holding SAS, Giornica SAS and Redcats Business Development; director of Redcats USA Inc. (USA) and Redcats USA LLC (USA); director of Cyrillus UK Ltd (UK); director of Redcats UK (UK); Chairman of the Board and delegated director of Cyrillus Benelux S.A. (Belgium); Board member of Redcats Nordic AB (Sweden); Board member of Redcats Management Services SAS; permanent representative of Redcats S.A. on the management Board of SAS SADAS, of SAS Cyrillus and of SAS La Redoute Mag; Chairman of SAS DIAM; permanent representative of Redcats S.A. on the Board of directors of Cyrillus Benelux S.A. (Belgium), of LMDV S.A., of Movitex S.A. and on the management Board of Redcats International SAS; permanent representative of SOGEP SAS as a director of Somewhere S.A. and permanent representative of La Redoute S.A. on the management Board of SAS La Redoute Mag.

to 2006, he held several positions in the finance department of the PPR Group. At the end of 2006, he joined Redcats as administrative and finance director for the brand The Sportsman’s Guide (Redcats USA). He then became financial director and General Secretary of Redcats S.A. in April 2009. On 4 July 2012, the Neopost S.A. General Meeting ratified the appointment of Éric Courteille as director. His mandate was renewed at the General Meeting of 30 June 2017 for a three-year term, namely until the General Meeting of 2020.

Other mandates in the Group: none.

Other mandates outside of the Group: Chief Executive of BCR SAS; Chairman of NEW R SAS; Chief Executive of La Redoute SAS; permanent representative of New R SAS as Chairman of Relais Colis SAS.

Éric Courteille holds 267 Neopost shares.

Virginie Fauvel

Virginie Fauvel is 44 years old and a French citizen. She is an graduated engineer of the Nancy École des Mines. Virginie Fauvel started her career at Cetelem as director of Statistical Studies, Risks and CRM. She was appointed director of Digital Technology in 2004, heading the e-business entity and responsible for drawing up Cetelem’s

Since 15 January 2018, Virginie Fauvel has been heading group transformation at Euler Hermes and is director of the Americas region. She has also been a Board member of the

Euler Hermes Group since 1 April 2018.

Virginie Fauvel was appointed a director of Neopost S.A. at the General Meeting dated 1 July 2016 for a three-year term, namely until the General Meeting of 2019.

Other mandates in the Group: none.

global online strategy. Virginie Fauvel then directed the BNP Paribas entity dedicated to the online bank in Europe and in France, before founding Hello Bank!, the leading online bank in Italy, France, Belgium and Germany. She joined Allianz France in 2013 as a member of the executive committee, in charge of teams dedicated to the digital transformation of the Company, big data, artificial intelligence, communication and marketing.

Other mandates outside of the Group: member of the Supervisory Board of the Europcar Group and Board member of Euler Hermes.

Virginie Fauvel holds 730 Neopost shares.



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