NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Neopost group activity

Organizational structure

Organizational structure

Head office

Neopost’s head office is in Bagneux in the Paris region. All the Group’s strategic assets such as the research and development, production and distribution activities described

below are held by wholly owned subsidiaries of Neopost S.A.,

the parent company of the Group.

Research and development centers

Neopost has several specialized research and development centers. The main R&D centers are located in Bagneux (France) for mailing systems, in Drachten (the Netherlands), Loughton (United Kingdom) for folders/inserters, Hradec Kràlové (Czech Republic) for customer communications management software and Cavaillon (France) and Brisbane

(Australia) for shipping software and services. More than 800 engineers and technicians work in the R&D field at


In order to increase its productivity, Neopost subcontracts part of its R&D efforts in Vietnam.

Production centers

Neopost has three assembly centers: Le Lude (France) for high-end mailing systems, Drachten (the Netherlands) for mid-range folders/inserters and Loughton (United Kingdom) for high-end folders/inserters and the automated packing system CVP-500. A team based in Hong Kong manages Neopost subcontractors in Asia. Neopost subcontractors assemble entry-level to mid-range mailing systems and entry-level folders/inserters. This team also provides solutions for parcel lockers (Packcity).

The Memphis (United States) center is in charge of logistics and customization of products for North America.

All these centers account for around 650 people.

The Group believes that its production capacity is adapted to its activities.


Neopost’s international sales network is a key feature of its business. The Group has wholly owned subsidiaries and branches in 29 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Singapore, Spain,

Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Neopost also has a network of local distributors in about 60 countries in addition to the countries covered by its subsidiaries. These distributors are independent, essentially dedicated to Neopost products and have signed long-term distribution contracts with Neopost.



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