NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Non-financial performance statement

Social, societal and environmental information

Notes regarding methodology and the CSR reporting scope

CSR reporting scope The information presented below concerns the consolidated companies of the Neopost group as at 31 January 2019 included in the CSR reporting scope. The reporting scope was established pursuant to articles L.233-1 and L.233-3 of the French commercial code and covers all the Group’s activities in accordance with the rules defined below. The reporting scope includes all companies under the Group’s operational control at 31 January of the reporting year and meeting one of the following two conditions: all companies with activities related to the supply chain • (manufacturing, assembly, customization, purchases and logistics); all companies exercising R&D, retail or finance activities, • and having more than 25 employees (with the exception of the consolidated reporting scopes for Human Inference, Quadient, Neopost Norge, Neopost Distribution Germany, Neopost Australia and Neopost USA). The following are therefore excluded from the scope of reporting: Neopost India, Neopost Finance Ireland Ltd, Mail Finance, Neopost Mailing Logistics System, Neopost Global Services, icon Communication Dynamics and Packcity Japon. Thus, 59 people are excluded representing 1.1% of the total employees of the Group. The scope of CSR reportin g therefore represents 98.9% of the global workforce. In addition, Satori Software was no longer part of the Group as at 31 January 2019. Exceptionally Parcel Pending is excluded from the reporting scope this year: Neopost made the acquisition and took a majority share in this company in January 2019 and the entity has been unable to fulfil the data collection obligations. When one of the Group companies is not able to provide data for one specific indicator, and no estimation can be made, the Company is excluded from the indicator in question and an explanatory note specifies the scope or calculation method used for each indicator.

Changes in the scope of reporting or calculation methodologies do not always make it possible to draw a relevant comparison of data for the 2017 and 2018 financial years. These changes are mentioned and specified for the indicators whenever they have occurred in order to facilitate the correct interpretation of the indicators. Furthermore, some indicators have not been mentioned in this report since they were deemed not relevant to the activity exercised by the Neopost group. This information concerns the environment with the indicator relating to land use and biodiversity, food wast and sustainable food. Reporting process The reporting process for 2018 was set forth in detail in a CSR reporting protocol for the collection of the necessary quantitative and qualitative information. This protocol was deployed in English in all RSE Group companies and is also available on the new secure CSR website on Sharepoint . It was used to clarify the definitions and calculation methods for each indicator and to detail the steps of the reporting process, as indicated below: planning, collection, consolidation of qualitative and • quantitative data and consistency check; data verification: in accordance with regulations, Neopost • submitted the information contained in this CSR report for audit. In January 2019, as it has been the case every year since 2015, specific "web meetings" were also proposed to entities that wanted to develop certain aspects of the reporting further. Quantitative data was collected from the entities using dashboards and the qualitative data was collected through seven online questionnaires accessible on the new secure website dedicated to CSR benchmarks in the various countries.



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