NEOPOST - 2018 Registration document


Non-financial performance statement

Social, societal and environmental information

At SME Solutions, several staff took part in charity runs. Staff from Neopost Germany took part in similar races and made a donation of 5,000 euros to support children in difficulty. Staff at Neopost France took part in the Odyssea race for the fight against breast cancer. Within Neopost Industrie SA, Le Lude has funded a trip for middle school students in Portugal and has supported a total of 10 associations in 2018, 3 cultural (including one directly related to intercultural exchanges in Europe) and 7 sports (including 2 charity runs) across the community of towns in Le Lude, totaling some 2,000 euros. The United States, a passionate supporter of socially-responsible initiatives, is still very active in its efforts within the Group. Staff at Neopost USA have been involved in several causes for the fight against cancer (charity walks such as Breast Cancer Walk, lotteries, sales...), through the NeoLife committee. Profits were donated to the American Cancer Society. In November 2018, more than 200 staff collected food for the local Milford Food Bank, to help families in need in local communities. Staff from Neopost USA are involved with non-profit organisations in many towns and cities through a network of offices ( Districts ) across the United States. As they do every year, staff mostly choose local causes with links to health, welfare and social bonds to raise funds and support organisations, which help the poorest people. The Dallas Support Center supports the American Heart Association’s “Heart Walk” annually and raised the equivalent of 6,000 euros in 2018. Neopost USA is also renewing support for soldiers abroad, via “Million Thanks”. In 2018, 3,046 letters of encouragement were sent by more than 1,000 employees and members of the Neopost USA community. Quadient, with a centralized policy for its 4 entities in terms of charity team-building, brings its teams together with shared values to take part in causes with links primarily to the environment, health, solidarity, social bonds and education. In 2018, several entities took part in Community Days . Quadient actually gives all of its staff a paid day’s leave per year to help local communities; this usually involves manual work (help with the maintenance of zoos, dog shelters, renovation of

school classrooms, nature protection) or the distribution of meals or goods, which are carried out on a voluntary basis for associations. In 2018, French staff again rallied around the “Les Restos du Cœur” association to distribute hot meals to the poorest. Italy held a volunteer day at the Banco food bank in September 2018. Quadient has combined its efforts with Mozambican organisations in designing and producing educational books for Mozambican children. Designed for primary and secondary school students, these books teach about physical activity, personal hygiene, nutrition, etc. Furthermore, Quadient Toronto members have carried out a number of responsible actions. 230 trees were planted by staff to help reduce soil erosion and protect the local ecosystem. Quadient in Germany has donated 1,000 euros to a refugee aid association, through “run colors to your heart”. Neopost Australia was involved in the "Go Pink" operation, a charity day to raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, which works for cancer research. As part of this, all staff wore pink and made donations. The unit is also involved in the "Workplace giving" program, which allows staff from the Company to select associations they wish to support with a donation deducted directly from their salary (based on the same principle as the rounding up of pay in France). This is a win-win system because it reduces the costs of raising funds at association level and puts Neopost Australia staff in direct contact with the organisations they support. Detailed communications and reports are published on a dedicated Internet portal accessible to staff who have made donations. In 2018, staff at Neopost Australia donated an equivalent of 4,500 euros to drought victims in Australia. Neopost Canada has drawn up guidelines for philanthropic initiatives. The unit has been part of the Canadian Blood Services’ Partners for Life programme since 2014. This is a national, independent, non-profit organisation whose mission is to manage Canada’s blood supply. Furthermore, several staff took part in the Kidney Foundation race.



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