General information on Natixis’ capital

The Board of Directors of Natixis, at its meeting on July 28, a 2016, by virtue of the authorization granted by the Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 24, 2016, resolution twenty, decided to award 3,081,642 free shares to the recipients designated by the Board of Directors. These shares will be permanently vested in part on March 1, 2018, and in part on March 1, 2019, subject to presence and/or performance conditions (systematic performance conditions applicable to “regulated” categories of staff). The Board of Directors of Natixis, at its meeting on April 10, a 2017, by virtue of the authorization granted by the Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 24, 2016, resolution twenty, decided to award 3,012,307 free shares to the recipients designated by the Board of Directors. These shares will be permanently vested in part on March 1, 2019, and in part on March 1, 2020, subject to presence and/or performance conditions (systematic performance conditions applicable to “regulated” categories of staff). The Board of Directors of Natixis, at its meeting on May 23, a 2017, by virtue of the authorization granted by the Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 24, 2016, resolution nineteen, decided to award 79,369 free performance shares to the members of the Natixis Senior Management Committee, of which 29,911 to the Chief Executive Officer of Natixis. These shares will vest at the end of a vesting period that runs until May 22, 2021, inclusive, contingent upon the meeting of presence and performance criteria. The vesting period for the final tranche of the award of a total of 6,119,373 free shares, as resolved by the Board of Directors on February 22, 2012, for the 2012 Plan (by virtue of the authorization granted by the Combined General Shareholders' Meeting of May 27, 2010, resolution eighteen), and the vesting period for the first two tranches of the award of a total of 1,724,325 free shares, as resolved by the Board of Directors on Free shares in holding period

February 17, 2013, under the 2013 Plan (by virtue of the authorization granted by the Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting of March 27, 2010, resolution eighteen), expired on March 3, 2017, for beneficiaries transferred abroad at the time of vesting. In a ruling made on March 3, 2017, by virtue of the authority granted to him by the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer of Natixis acknowledged that the number of shares to be issued to the beneficiaries of the 2012 Plan came to 225,808 new shares and that the number of shares to be issued to the beneficiaries under the 2013 Plan came to 59,850 new shares. The Chief Executive Officer then acknowledged the issue of share capital through the incorporation of the special unavailable reserves account amounting to €361,292.80 through the issue of 225,808 new shares with a par value of €1.60 each for the 2012 Plan, and amounting to €95,760 for the issue of 59,850 new shares with a par value of €1.60 each for the 2013 Plan, bringing the Company’s capital up from €5,019,319,328 to €5,019,776,380.80, and amended the bylaws accordingly (Article 3: Share Capital). Mauve employee share ownership plan At its meeting on November 7, 2017, the Board of Directors decided to use in 2018 the authorization to carry out a capital increase – without preferential subscription rights – reserved for members of employee savings plans that was granted by the Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 23, 2017 (resolution twenty), for the launch of the Mauve 2018 employee share ownership plan with an overall par value ceiling of €50,000,000, representing a maximum of 31,250,000 shares. In order to implement the Mauve 2018 plan, the Board of Directors invested the Chief Executive Officer with all the necessary powers, in particular to set the Subscription Price and the subscription period for the shares to be issued.


Natixis Registration Document 2017

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