
The prudential requirements that apply to credit institutions and investment firms are defined by Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council of June 26, 2013 (the “CRR”), supplemented by technical standards (EU delegated and enforcement regulations by the European Commission) and the various “technical standards” by the European Banking Authority (EBA). All of these texts came into effect on January 1, 2014, with a gradual implementation schedule that runs until 2019. More specifically, Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 (articles 431 and following) requires the publication of quantitative and qualitative data on their risk management activity. The purpose of the Pillar III report on Natixis’ risks is intended to improve transparency and provide all stakeholders (supervisors, investors, analysts, etc.) with abundant and detailed information on risks. It is part of a regulatory framework that was recently strengthened at the international and European level.

In fact, in addition to the requirements inherent to CRR and CRD in effect, and those inherent to the IFRS7 accounting standard and the recommendations of the Financial Stability Forum, this report includes requirements resulting from following texts : BCBS d309 dated 2015 and d356 dated 2016 from the Basel a Committee for a revised and enhanced Pillar III; EBA Guidelines of December 2016 to a large extent. a The Natixis Pillar III is also based on the provisions from the Enhanced Disclosure Task Force (EDTF) implemented by the Financial Stability Board. Governance The policy on disclosing Pillar III information was recorded and adopted by the Natixis Senior Management Committee.


NATIXIS Risk report Pillar III 2017

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