NATIXIS -2020 Universal Registration Document


Management and oversight of corporate governance

Strategic Committee A – Organization

C – Work of the Strategic Committee in 2020 The Strategic Committee meets at least once a year. In 2020, the Strategy Committee met three times, including a day dedicated to discussing strategy. The attendance rate was 100%. Each director receives the documents related to the agenda within a reasonable timeframe via a secure digital platform. The Natixis Strategy Committeemet in 2020 to examine in particular the following points: specific strategic projects such as the planned sale by Natixis of V its stake in Coface; update on the New Dimension strategic plan; V overview of Natixis’ financial performance compared to peers; V the 2021 markers for each of Natixis’ four business lines; V transformation and operational efficiency projects. V During these meetings, the Committee was involved in discussions on the preparation of the next strategic plan. In general, the CSR Committee ensures, in accordance with Article L.225-35of the French CommercialCode, that social and environmental issues are taken into account by the Board of Directors when determining the Company’s business guidelines and their implementation. The main tasks of the Committee are: to review the Group’s CSR strategy and commitments, V particularly in relation to the green and sustainable finance strategy of all its business lines; to examine the results of actions taken by Natixis to reduce V its own environmental footprint (control of resource consumption,wastemanagement and mobility practices) and that of its financing and investment activities; to monitor employee awareness-raising measures; V to examine, in conjunction with the Compensation V Committee, the procedures for taking into account non-financial criteria in the compensationpolicy for executive corporate officers; to examine CSR risks in conjunctionwith the Risk Committee V and the impact of environmental and societal issues in terms of investment, economic performance and reputation; to monitor the reporting systems, the preparation of V non-financial information and, in particular, the non-financial performance statement (DPEF) and, in general, any

The Strategic Committee is made up of all the directors and the non-voting member. Depending on the topics being discussed, certain members of Natixis’ Senior ManagementCommitteemay be invited to participate on the Strategic Committee. External persons may also participate on the Committee. The Strategic Committee has been chaired by Anne Lalou since February 10, 2016. B – Role and powers The responsibilities assigned to the Strategic Committee are to thoroughly examine the overall strategy of Natixis and its business lines, and to share Senior Management’s vision for BPCE Group. In addition, the meetings of this Committee are opportunities for the Board of Directors to get to know the management team that works with the Chief Executive Officer better and improve the Board’s working methods.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) Committee

At its meeting of December 17, 2020, the Natixis Board of Directors decided to set up a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (“CSR Committee”). Aware of its responsibilitiesand convinced that Corporatesocial responsibilityprovidespowerful long-term performance leverage, CSR is at the heart of Natixis’ strategic ambitions, which combine economicperformanceand responsibility. A – Organization The CSR Committee has four members:

Anne Lalou


Dominique Duband

Member Member Member

Sylvie Garcelon Bernard Oppetit

Two of the members are independent members (Anne Lalou and Bernard Oppetit). The CSR skills of the four members were recognized by the Board of Directors. In this respect, Anne Lalou, Dominique Duband, Sylvie Garcelon and Bernard Oppetit will provide the Committee with their expertise and experience in this area and Bernard Oppetit will also provide his expertise in terms of risks and will facilitate coordination with the Risk Committee. B – Role and powers Natixis’ CSR Committeehas Internal Rules specifying its powers and its operating procedures, which were approved by the Board of Directors on December 17, 2020.

information required by current CSR legislation; to review Natixis’ extra-financial ratings annually. V

The CSR Committee reports on its work to the Board of Directors and more specifically presents its conclusions for discussion and, where applicable, for deliberation.



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