NATIXIS -2020 Universal Registration Document


Management and oversight of corporate governance

In 2020, the Risk Committee’s duties focused on the followinigtems:

Risk management

Key points from the risk dashboard and the bank’s risk environment outlook; V Regular updates on H2O; V Comments on the autocall action plan; V Update on the final SREP letter; V Summary of the main changes in risk policies; V Annual review of the Risk Appetite Framework (RAF); V Review of materiality criteria and thresholds; V

Review of Natixis’ overall strategy and risk appetite, and control of its implementation; V Annual review of indicators and alert thresholds defined in the Order of November 3, 2014; V Update of cost of risk projections (COVID-19 scenario); V Presentation of the credit sector concentration risk framework; V Update on risk model management; V Presentation of the ICAAP (Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process); V Update on internal stress test results V Review of liquidity risk tolerance; V Review of strategies, policies, procedures, systems, tools and limits with regard to liquidity risk and underlying V assumptions; Results of alternative stress scenarios; V Results of reviews and analyses of changes in the liquidity situation; V Review of the ALM standards; V Annual analysis of contingency plans, particularly in light of the results of the alternative scenarios regarding V liquidity positions and risk mitigation factors; Check that the compensation policy is compatible with the risks. V Presentation of the annual report on internal control; V Evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal control framework and procedures of the Risks function in place V for fiscal year 2019, in accordance with the Order of November 3, 2014 (including evaluation of the performance of Risk Management and Compliance); Review of assignments conducted by Natixis General Inspection and BPCE General Inspection during the fiscal year; V Monitoring of the implementation of recommendations made by Natixis General Inspection and BPCE General V Inspection; Main risks identified during the Natixis General Inspection missions; V Update on the “zero delay” campaign as of December 31, 2020 as part of the system for monitoring V recommendations; Presentation of the proposed audit program for 2021; V Presentation of the Natixis General Inspection department’s budget. V

Internal control


Review of the activity and results of compliance control; V Cybersecurity update and EBA guidelines on ICT risks; V Update on the compliance framework and annual update on MiFID II; V Updating the Compliance Charter. V Update on the health crisis and impacts on Natixis activities; V Presentation of the CIB Booking Model Policy; V Update on risk and compliance management in the Insurance business lines; V Update on risk and compliance management of Natixis IM. V




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