NATIXIS -2020 Universal Registration Document


Governance of Natixis at December 31, 2020

Exiting director in 2020

Françoise Lemalle (until February 6, 2020) Chairwoman of the Steering and Supervisory Board of Caisse d’Epargne Côte d’Azur (CECAZ)

Born 15/01/1965 Nationality: French Natixis Shares held: 1,000 Address: 455 Promenade des Anglais, BP 3297, 06205 Nice Cedex 03

KEY ADVISORY SKILLS Entrepreneurial experience V Extensive knowledge V in accounting and finance Auditing V

Director First appointed: co-opted by the Board of Directors on 30/07/2015 and ratified at the AGM of 24/05/2016 Date term of office expires: Board Meeting of 06/02/2020 Member – Audit Committee First appointed: Board Meeting of 09/02/2017 Date term of office expires: Board Meeting of 06/02/2020 Member – Strategic Committee First appointed: Board Meeting of 30/07/2015

Date term of office expires: Board Meeting of 06/02/2020

Attendance rate in 2020

Board of Directors 100%

Audit Committee 100%

Strategic Committee 100%

Françoise Lemalle earned her Chartered Accountant designation in 1991, becoming the youngest Chartered Accountant in the PACA region that year, then registered with the Compagnie des Commissaires aux Comptes in 1993. She runs an accounting and auditing firm of 20 people, located in Mougins. She regularly hosts training sessions for small retailers, craftspeople and self-employed professionals, mostly at management centers. In 1999 she became a founding Director of local savings company SLE de Cannes, before being elected as its Chairwoman in 2009. She sat on the Steering and Supervisory Board of Caisse d’Epargne Côte d’Azur as a Non-Voting Member, then from 2009 as Chairwoman of the LSC, joining the Audit Committee at the same time. Françoise Lemalle was appointed Steering and Supervisory Board Chairwoman on April 23, 2015. In addition, she has been a Member of the Board of IMF Créasol (1) and a member of the association’s Audit Committee since 2013. Françoise Lemalle has also been a member of the BPCE Supervisory Board since May 22, 2015.

Other offices held in 2020: Within BPCE Group:

Member of the Steering and Supervisory Board of Caisse V d’Epargne Côte d’Azur (since 2003) , then Chairwoman (since April 2015); Member of the Supervisory Board and Risk Committee of BPCE V (since 22/05/2015); Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of SLE CECAZ V (SLE Ouest des Alpes-Maritimes) (since 1999); Member of the Board of CE Holding Participations V (since 09/09/2015) , Fondation BELEM (since 30/06/2020); Permanent Representative of Caisse d’Epargne Côte d’Azur, V Member of the Board of FNCE (since April 2015); Treasurer of the Benjamin Delessert Association (since 2015). V Outside BPCE Group: Chief Executive Officer of Lemalle Ares X-Pert (since 1991); V Member of the Board and Member of the Audit Committee: IMF V Créa-Sol (since July 2013).

Compliance with rules governing the number of offices held

Afep-Medef code compliant

French Monetary and Financial Code compliant

Offices held in previous fiscal years





Director of Fondation Caisses V d’Epargne pour la Solidarité (from October 2015 to October 2016). Non-Group Company. (1)



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