NATIXIS -2020 Universal Registration Document


Business line contributions to green and sustainable growth

participated in the assessment of the Global Real Estate SustainabilityBenchmark (GRESB), which covers both environmental (measures to reduce the environmental footprint) and social (stakeholder relations and social impact of activities) topics). and governance (policies and procedures). Six of these funds obtained the Green Star level in 2020, showing an improvement in the rating compared to 2019, including one logistics fund which reached the Green Star 5* rating. In addition, AEW CILOGER has set up since January 1, 2020 for buildings located in France, for which it manages the energy contracts, the supply of electricity and gas from 100% renewable sources, which will contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the assets under management. The Innov 2019 project, launched in 2019 and rolled out until 2021, aims to test innovative solutions at around forty pilot sites, based on seven themes: photovoltaic electricity, electric vehicle charging

stations, biodiversity, the circular economy, and the fight against, food waste, waste management, resilience to climate change. Some projects have already been completed and have been extended to other buildings, in particular on biodiversity and the circular economy. Sustainable mobility Mobility is crucial to human development.Moving goods and people allows access to goods and services, in particular housing, employment,healthcare, education and culture. However, this has an impact on climate change, air quality, the use of fossil fuels, biodiversity, and health. Transport growth projections expect the number of air passengers to double by 2040 and that there will be nearly two billion vehicles in circulation by 2050. Natixis is committed to developingsustainable, low carbon transport solutions through its financing and investment activities.

2020 KEY EVENT Italo Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori: innovative financing solution that meets its sustainable development Goals Natixis supported Italo – Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori, the leading private rail operator in Italy, in developing its sustainable ambitionsby offering it an innovative financing solution. This is the largest green loan ever made in the transportsector and the first to include sustainabledevelopmentGoals in line with the Sustainability Linked Loan Principles. As global coordinator, bookrunner and green coordinator, Natixis has structured a complete financing solution comprising: a syndicated sustainability-linked loan of €1.1 billion, whose interest margin will be indexed to sustainable V development indicators, in particular the number of passengers per km and CO2 emissions (including 900 million dedicated to the financing and refinancing of low-carbon rolling stock); a sustainability-linked interest rate swap with itsown incentive mechanism. V This incentive mechanism, extended to derivative transactionssuch as swaps, marks a new step forward in the field of sustainable finance.

Mirova factors in sustainablemobility by encouraginginvestmentsin securities issued by vehicle manufacturersand equipment suppliers that propose technical solutions to solve the challenge of offering more and more people mobility solutions while reducing the environmental and social impacts linked to transport. As part of the Eurofideme 4 fund, the MEF4 mobility package was launched, which has the possibilityof investingup to 10% of the fund in low-carbon mobility. At the end of 2020, MEF4 had invested €11 million through two transactions.The first consisted in financing a fleet of electric car-sharingvehicles during a call for tenders by the City of Paris for the retrofit and operationof former Autolib terminals.

The second concerned the minority stake of MEF4 in a company specializing in the installation and operation of charging infrastructures for electric vehicles (IRVE). Natixis Assurances offers preferential rates to individualswho travel less than 8,000 km per year in their car: this option applies to 26,4% of contracts (211,977 policies), or €74.8 million in annual premiums in 2020. Savings of up to 30% are offered to electric vehicle owners. The new means of soft urban transport (electric bicycle, electric scooter, gyropod, etc.) can be provided as an option via the residential offer. In the interest of supporting its customers, Natixis Assurances also offers eco-driving courses.

Green bonds and green loans

Green bond issuers undertake to use the funds raised to finance environmental performance such

as energy efficiency, renewable

projects with a positive impact on the environment.Unlike traditional

energy, sustainabletransport or water management.As of the end of

bonds which can finance all the issuer’s activities, a green bond 2020, the green bonds market totaled $222.8 billion (1) . finances traceable investments in measures to improve

Climate Bonds Initiative, (1)



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