NATIXIS - 2018 Registration document and annual financial report

FINANCIAL DATA Parent company financial statements and notes

The amount recognized as a provision should be the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the reporting date. This amount is discounted when the effect of discounting is material. Provisions are reviewed at each reporting date and adjusted if necessary. Provisions recognized on the balance sheet, other than provisions to cover employee benefits and sector and country risks, mainly concern provisions for restructuring, provisions for disputes, fines and penalties and provisions for other risks. Transactions denominated in foreign 11. currencies Off-balance sheet receivables, debts and commitments denominated in foreign currencies are converted to euros at the going exchange rate at the balance sheet date through the revaluation of foreign exchange positions. The difference between amounts resulting from the valuation of euro-denominated foreign exchange positions and amounts reported in equivalent euro-denominated foreign exchange positions is recorded in the income statement. However, exchange differences relating to institutional operations are recognized under accrual accounts. Integration of foreign subsidiaries 12. The financial statements of foreign subsidiaries, prepared in accordance with local rules, are restated in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in France, translated into euros when the functional currency is not the euro and included in Natixis’ financial statements after the elimination of intra-group transactions. Items from the balance sheet and income statement are translated at the end of the reporting period. The difference arising from the translation of foreign subsidiaries’ capital allocations are recorded in the accrual accounts. Contributions to banking resolution 13. mechanisms The procedure for setting up the deposit and resolution guarantee fund was changed by a decree dated October 27, 2015. Contributions made to the deposit and resolution guarantee fund may be paid in the form of partner or association certificates and cash security deposits recognized as assets on the balance sheet and contributions (which are non-refundable in the event of a voluntary withdrawal of approval to operate) recorded in income as “Taxes other than on income” among other operating expenses. Directive 2014/59/EU (BRRD—Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive) which establishes the framework for the recovery and resolution of banks and investment firms and European regulation 806/2014 (SRM regulation) established the introduction of a resolution fund as of 2015. In 2016, this fund became a Single Resolution Fund (SRF) between the member States participating in the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM). The SRF is a resolution financing mechanism available to the resolution authority (Single Resolution Board). The latter may use this fund when implementing resolution procedures.

Cash-settled employee retention and performance plans indexed to the value of the Natixis share Cash-settled plans indexed to the share price give rise to the recognition of a payroll expense that is measured taking account of the share price on the balance sheet date and the likelihood of satisfying performance/and or service requirements. Where a service requirement exists, the calculated expense is recognized on a straight-line basis over the vesting period. When no service requirement exists, the expense is recognized immediately as a debt. The latter is then remeasured at each reporting date taking into account performance criteria and any changes in the value of underlying shares. The corresponding expense recognized in the 2018 income statement was €14.9 million versus €42.1 million at December 31, 2017. Changes to the terms and conditions of a cash-settled employee retention and performance plan indexed to the value of the Natixis share which would lead to the latter being reclassified as an employee retention and performance plan settled in shares would trigger, when the plan provides for the allocation of existing shares, the derecognition of the debt recorded for the initial plan indexed to the value of the Natixis share and the recognition of a liability as a provision for the new employee retention and performance plan settled in shares. The difference between the recognition of the new plan and the derecognition of the preexisting debt is taken directly to profit and loss. When the plan provides for the allocation of new shares, only the derecognition of the debt recorded for the initial plan indexed to the value of the Natixis share is taken to profit and loss. Employee retention and performance plans settled in shares Plans settled in shares are recognized in accordance with CRC Regulation No. 2008-15, which provides for the recognition of a liability where there is the likelihood or the certainty that the obligation to grant shares generates an outflow in settlement without an offsetting provision: if the granting involves the issue of new shares, Natixis incurs a no outflow and, as a result, no expense is recognized; if the granting involves the repurchase of shares or the granting a of existing shares, an outflow will be recognized when the shares are issued to employees, without an offsetting provision. A provision is then set aside taking account of the entry cost of the shares or the share price on the balance sheet date if the shares have not yet been purchased and the probable number of shares granted to employees. The expense is recognized in stages over the vesting period. A provision of €120,000 was recorded in the financial statements at December 31, 2018 in respect of plans to be settled in shares (allocation of existing shares), against an expense of €134,000 in 2017. Provisions for risks 10. A provision for risks is a liability of uncertain timing or amount. A liability is a present obligation arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits that can be reliably measured.



Natixis Registration Document 2018

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